View Full Version : drill scared

25-01-05, 09:46 PM
gonna get a gsi rear spoiler....
one thing I need to know ...

how hard is it to fit these things...?
cheers. :oops:

25-01-05, 09:52 PM
piss easy mate, just look at the positions of the pins on the spoiler and look at where they would go on the boot. then drill away. if your really nervous then measure the distance between the edges of the spoiler and tranfer these measurements to the bootlid. drill the wholes slightly bigger than the pins to give yourself a bit of leeway when fitting too

25-01-05, 10:01 PM
ohh it's tricky to get them right.

i bought a whole bootlid in white, that has a spoiler on, to see where to drill the holes.

if you like, i will make a template of it when i do mine, send it to you and you can use it to position your holes perfectly ?

cost u a tenner tho :-)

25-01-05, 11:08 PM
took me a while to line it up but used some sort of glue/sealer aswell as screws to hold it. Been ok for over 2 years now.

25-01-05, 11:09 PM
isn't it hard to drill the holes through the inside skin of the tailgate ?

after all, the screws/studs don't poke down at a 90 degree angle, or do they ?

26-01-05, 12:38 PM
I had this problem when fitting my Predator spoiler.

Out came my new Dremel and I just cut two access squares around the inside skin.

Job done!!

26-01-05, 07:10 PM
I've also got a GSI spoiler to fit but am a tad scared of drilling =/

If you wouldn't mind Nick could you drop me a template please mate?

Is there a guide anywhere for fitting the GSI/Any spoilers?


26-01-05, 10:04 PM
Is there a guide anywhere for fitting the GSI/Any spoilers?

And as if by magic the link appeared -

www.topbuzz.co.uk mate, tells you all you need to know..

26-01-05, 11:37 PM
cheers m8 !!! - this is enlightening. :lol:

time to fiddle........ :o