View Full Version : Does this sound typical of a valver engine?

21-01-05, 08:47 PM
Engine done 134000 miles
Is a little tappy for about 60 secs, not completley sure what it was like as had very bad fuel leak when in car so could not drive it far.
Its done 10 miles in 18 months, and was only started to move around unit.

Worth investing in?

Opinions please guys!

(Its out of a 1990 Cav GSI)



21-01-05, 08:55 PM
sounds like my old engine, only worth it if your planning on rebuilding. If you want a decent engine you pick them up fairly cheap anyway.

21-01-05, 08:58 PM
Its going for ?100?

Shall I bother..........?


21-01-05, 09:07 PM
How much would a decent valver engine be then?

(So I can compare?)



21-01-05, 09:10 PM
There's one in the for sale section for ?250.

21-01-05, 09:11 PM
between 200-400 an sometimes they come with a free car

21-01-05, 09:18 PM
it'l cost more than ?150 to rebuild

21-01-05, 09:19 PM
What would I be replacing / rebuilding exactly?

(Parts etc...) (Engines aren't my strong point obviously!!!)

Thanks for all your help guys; as always!

21-01-05, 09:20 PM
Can you get 1.8 redtop engine's? Seen an astra gsi that say's it's a 1.8. If they do, what bhp are they standard?

21-01-05, 09:23 PM
for a full rebuild i'd put a side at least a grand, or more if you upgrade at the same time.

21-01-05, 09:40 PM

So I'm guessing its not really worth it then!

:evil: Bugger- thought I'd found a bargain!

21-01-05, 10:38 PM
Sod it.

Student loan burning hole in pocket! :wink:

Decided to get it, ?86 aint bad I 'spose, even if its just summat to mess about with for the moment, then rebuild properly over the coming year.

It wont be goin in car yet anyway, as I cant afford the insurance!

(Plus need bare shell respray first!)

21-01-05, 10:56 PM
Just one thing before I part with my *cough* hard earned cash :wink: , would the
very bad fuel leak mentioned in the quote at the start of the post be more likely due to the engine or the car itself?

Any ideas?


22-01-05, 01:35 PM
If fuel was leaking out all over the engine, i wouldn't have wanted to drive it!! Common place for fuel leaks is at the fuel sender seal on the tank, but as he was describing the engine i guess it's not that!

May be a leak on the fuel rail somewhere, or fuel filter :?: It should be easy to find once you've had a good look at the engine i would have thought :?

22-01-05, 02:08 PM
yeh but it... they all tap