View Full Version : points on license?

15-02-02, 06:19 PM
I had a letter thru the post today,on recorded delivery,I thought"wow! a late valantines card!" but flipped it over to read british transport police on the back :( I thought"thats that stoopid speed camera near the shops I always have to slow right down for that flashed me obut a month back" but it wasnt,it was for me apparently failing to stop at a red lite,I have filled in the documents and signed them etc, they say that they are considering prosecuting me,and on one piece of paper it says that if I failed to give them the form in 28 days I would almost defo recieve 3 points on my license,so I figure that I may not get points on my lisence? someone please help,I dont like this getting caught bit and am behaving again now :(

sideskirts soon

15-02-02, 06:55 PM
Were you stopped after the red light incident by the police or would it have been a camera at lights

15-02-02, 08:03 PM
What date was the incident in relation to the date u got the letter?
NIP (notice of intended prosecution) which is the letter you have recieved must be served within 14 working days of the offence.
If you were stopped by an officer (which it sounds like you werent)-then that is sufficient as a verbal NIP. If it was a camera or otherwise (ie you werent stopped/spoken to by an officer) then if its more than 14 days from the date of the offence then they cant do anything.
Speak to a soliciter if this is the case.

Now the NIP has been issued (if it is within 14 days) they now have 6 months to decide whether or not they will actually prosecute you.

The law sucks.

15-02-02, 10:52 PM
the wankers,it was a letter-I was talking to this bird Ive been seeing and she thinks it was the time I said to her it wasnt safe for me to stop-I dont know,this has pissed me right off I know that much.
I have filled out the forms,and returned them in my best handwriting too!-so they must be leanient for me making so much effort lol! on a serious note though,will I lose my licence?-or will I suffer points? I dont want any of this so info on how o help myself out of it would be gud,the law does suck,esp that Im going to be one of the statistics used to show the police are clamping down on crime,when in actual fact its just the use of modern technology while they sit there

sideskirts soon

15-02-02, 11:33 PM
I got 3 points and fine for illegal parking (on zigzag line)

Now that sucks X-(

16-02-02, 06:34 PM
my mate got a 12month ban and ?1000 fine for jumping a red light. he didnt have insurance though. so I dunno if that came into the equation too.

18-02-02, 09:03 AM
3 points for jumping a red light

i am on the save for a new motor

18-02-02, 10:08 PM
yeh its 3 points for jumping a red, when did u do it tho? wot date and wot was the date on the letter?