View Full Version : Worst Day ever help needed quicky guys

09-01-05, 05:18 PM
well today my cars been put off road i ant even crahed.
tht head gasket problem ive had dunno whts happenin with it.
long story comin up.
went for a drive after puttin some radweld in.
about 60 miles later....
it stated smoking like fuck from the exhaust 10 mins later....
police pull me and tell me i carnt drive it home like this i was 20 miles from home.
rang my boss to toe me home. this is where it gets worse.
my toe eye is behind my bumper. yep uve prob got it.
we connected it up set off bang the bumper fell off. pmsl
so we put it in his car and went off on a very long journey home 2 hours id say.
thing is i had to do breaking for both off us
i was shitting it. n e ways
he was doin 70 round corners i wunt even do 55 rnd and we started to spin off the road.
and we got to some speed bumpers and the fucker did 40 over it.
so i 4ght fuck this slammed all on rope snapped. told him id drive home by myself. with smoke goin everyway so if n e ones reading this and i made it hard for you to drive in im very sorry.
so this is easily the worst day off my life and ive been run ova before so it must av bin bad im just glad to be a live i didnt think id survive.
u got n e tips whts up with it please lads everyones views will be good soz about the short message writing but its quicker.
hope u all had a good day at the mk meet.
rich :D

david dixon
09-01-05, 05:25 PM
Was it white or blue smoke?
white smoke will be head gasket again and blue will probably be the piston rings or valve stem oil seals!

09-01-05, 05:30 PM

david dixon
09-01-05, 05:35 PM
sounds like you have some problems there mate! did you have the head skimmed when you had the head gasket done?

09-01-05, 05:35 PM
no i ant had the gasket done jet
but we cudnt trace it back to the gasket but now i no its the gasket

david dixon
09-01-05, 05:38 PM
yup thats the one, i would have the head skimmed while you on or there'll be more problems to come! good luck!

09-01-05, 05:38 PM
its scared the shit out of me its time to let the nova go. im fed up of boy racing kinda stuff
just want a plain nice looking car

09-01-05, 05:43 PM
rad weld is shit

i tow at 80mph.... whats the problem

also if your car was throwing out that much smoke don't you think you should have stopped???

david dixon
09-01-05, 05:44 PM
As above and dont get rid of the nova cos 3 months down the line you'll regret it! :D

09-01-05, 05:48 PM
cause we only ad a little shitty bit off rope on and then we were skidding all over

09-01-05, 05:57 PM
get a propper rope or aa cover then!

i've got a solid towing bar and one or these for emegency use


09-01-05, 09:29 PM
the fact that u continued to drive the car after noticing the head gasket failure is bad enough

driving 60+ miles after KNOWING your head gasket is on the way out was stupid and attempting to drive the car with the steam pouring from the exhaust is fast way to warp the head and block face making repairs very expensive

i also dont understand why u didnt just stop, tell him ur car was sliding around and that u wanted him to slow down??

tbh i'd have just drove the car anyway

i drove mine 15miles from my house to the engineers for my engine rebuild with cracked valve guides, knackered piston rings and leaky valve stem seals

the look on the face of the fanny in the zafira who tried to overtake me as i floored it and engulfed his car and the rest of the road in blue smoke was quite amusing i must admit :lol:

09-01-05, 09:33 PM
i never use a rope if i can avoid it, the solid bars are shit hot

09-01-05, 11:06 PM
the fact that u continued to drive the car after noticing the head gasket failure is bad enough

bit harsh but true.
my uncle said it werent so he said i had to run it tht radweld 4 a week. but it dint even last 4 hours
i know im stupid but i honestly dint know it was tht bad.

10-01-05, 08:29 AM
rad weld is devil glue

10-01-05, 10:00 AM
yer i would never have used radweld myself

there are ways of checking things without bodging

for instance a test for head gasket failure if theres no oil mixing would be to see if any bubbles come into the expansion tank when the engine is started from cold

only thing to do now is get the head off and get it off to an engineers for skimming

it will cost u about ?30 for the skim and about ?30-45 for the parts to fix it

head gasket set + head bolts + timing belt + haynes manual

jobs pretty easy and will prolly take u about half a day if youve never done it before

i'd recommend a few different sized 13mm ratchets (1/4", 3/8", 1/4" and some long reach ones) plus a 13mm ratchet spanner if u can stretch to it, you will also need a torque bar rated to 20nm and a decent sized breaker bar for angle tightning (or just use the torque bar again if u can lock it out or set it very high)

10-01-05, 05:57 PM
nar its booked in at garage on weds now. trust me cars and me and techinical dont go togever thnks all of you guys uve all been really helpful esp aragron

10-01-05, 07:00 PM
I don't understand why everybody is calling radweld, because a lot of cars actually have a radweld type compound fitted in the factory because it speeds up production.
If you are having trouble with head gaskets, surely it is better to drive home slowly with the rad cap loosened.

I think towing is actually quite a skillful thing, and people should do it with care. Towing anything at more than 50mph on normal roads & 60mph on the Mway is actually illegal. A towed vehicle attracts the law enough without someone pulling it like hell. If you get pulled, both drivers get done.

10-01-05, 08:43 PM
i was scared ill admit tht ive only been drivin month and half and it was new to me toeing.
its ok now n e way just gotta spend a months wages fixin it all up ?800 on shit hey :cry:

James B
11-01-05, 09:54 AM
i was scared ill admit tht ive only been drivin month and half and it was new to me toeing.
its ok now n e way just gotta spend a months wages fixin it all up ?800 on s**t hey :cry:

bit pricey for a head gasket mate :o

11-01-05, 06:48 PM
my bearing need doin 2

11-01-05, 06:51 PM
tahts still expensive. or is it being done at a VX dealer? lol