View Full Version : www.RoyBacer.co.uk

29-01-02, 01:20 PM
I am not sure how many people on this site are aware of RoyBacer, I suspect quite a few, but it's about time I said a few things that need to be said concerning the two sites.

First off it may be a good idea to point out that this is dan_5door_johnson from RoyBacer just so no one starts having a go at my mate, Rich who kindly lent me his log on details so I can post this.

Ever since I started using Roybacer I noticed people coming from Novaload and using the forums with out problems, a good thing because then in theroy you have members knowledge from both sites, and there for we could find out the problems to nearly any problem someone post's which is why the site's where created.

Recentley there have been bad words exchanged between the sites, I am not sure why, and I don't really give a shit. I am not sure why this is happening as we are members of the same community. If arguements where going to take place, it should be with the Saxo boys or the RSOC (Another point is I am a member of the SaxoSportsClub, and when I say arguements I really mean banter)

Anyway, I would just like to say that some of the opionions expressed on Roybacer about Novaload and or it's memebers aren't in no way the views of every memeber of roybacer it's just an individual. Obvious people will express the opionions what ever they maybe, but I hope this dosen't put people off and mean that people who really need help don't suffer, because they can't find the answer. From now on, as a moderator at roybacer, I am gonna try and keep the personal slates off the site, and if they have a problem they can contact the person direct.

I'm not stupid and though these arguements aren't effecting me, I know that it's putting people of the site that could help me or any of the members.

Cheers for reading Peps

29-01-02, 01:42 PM
im still laffing over ians muppet scanner. I love it. you know when something just tickles you.

29-01-02, 02:53 PM
i used to use roybacer i just cant be fucked no more because the pop ups just piss me off you get about 5 popups for every page you open so i just dont go there any more

and i also hate the dark colours

i prefer novaload so i use novaload i dont have a problem with any one on rb

i am on the save for a new motor

29-01-02, 03:19 PM
right heres my 2p worth

if i was going to post a message like u just have, 1stly i wouldnt be going around using other peoples acounts. Your a moderator im led to belive on RB (i dont read it im not even registerd)

if sumbody was using sumone elses acount on that site then im sure you would take action, so u havent set a very good example allready.

2cnd u will probably be aware of the advertisment thing that has been going on between the sites, im told breeny was told to take down his footer or sumthing by ged as it advertised novaload, ged was told the same here

so u go and post a blatent advertisement for the site, im sure a topic entitled "why are we fighting" or sumthing would have been more aprop.

3rdly we have had a LOT of grief from roybacer memebers in our chat rooms.

4th Ian storey has had death threats from a roybacer member (were 99% sure who he is)

i dont need to go on anymore.
we do not need blatent shit, on our site. I suggest you post your message on roybacer and have your members control themselves in the future.


29-01-02, 03:20 PM
Both sites have good and bad points. I think we should have a big tug 'o war

29-01-02, 03:34 PM
I think that you shud go back to muppet land Danny 5 door and stop wasting space on our site and concentrate on sorting out the members of RB that are left before they all get sick of the inbreds fighting and squabbling.

Dogz i think that a brawl would better settle any problems between the sites, that or a RWYB day. lol Rick

Wahoo my car will be done soon and it will only have cost me about ?13k ish and about 8 months!

29-01-02, 04:22 PM
it's a fight of good and evil :D

we have no probs with mig/corsasport cause they are different departments of vaux :D but ged launched rb on the back of novaload which is not on

and novaload was/is/willbe the best nova site arround

and yes i would go on rb but i can't sign up!!

16v Engine fitting and advice... mail me for a quote :D

29-01-02, 04:30 PM
Was obvious wrong about you all being able to DISCUSS THIS IN A ADULT manner, And micky I would just like to state for you and no this is not me getting at you, I am a moderator on Roybacer and if you looked at the site then you will also see I have put a post called NOVALOAD on there, so is that a plug? If it is who gives a shit? Not me. Look all I am trying to do is say, just because some people are causing trouble between the sites, dosen't mean we're all like that, why can't you just say yeah Ok fair enough it's not like I came on here calling you all pricks is it? So why the heavy handed judgement

29-01-02, 04:35 PM
Im a member of both boards (RB & novaload) and use them both regulary (every day infact). In fact I dont think theres a board im not a member off.

suppose every1 to their own. Im gonna set up my own messageboard dunno whether to call it RoyLoad or NovaBacer. lol then both sites can join it. there will be naked women on every post.

29-01-02, 06:12 PM
richardbarker - seems to me you are just stirring stuff up without cause.
Yes, there are some squables between RB and NL but thats no reason to post a provocative post like this is it?

It may not have been intentionally written like that, but thats the way it comes across. We (and i am sure i speak for everyone) here at novaload like this site, obviously this is why we use it and i for one am sick of seeing silly posts arguing about roybacer and or members there of.

So there... nerr.!!!

The name is misleading - I am not wise, or wooden.

29-01-02, 08:17 PM
Yep, def. novaload, the original n best. :)

No probs whatsoever wit RB or its members though, never have had.

Vauxhall Nova - Defined in Spain


""Formally Novaheat 612""

29-01-02, 11:37 PM
Banter aside (which is what is mainly happening above)I would say that if you feel it necessary to come onto Novaload and distance yurself from whoever it is saying whatever they said on RB, fair enuff. Nice of you to bother to say so, not that most on here would care that much I'm afraid. As far as I can see you could have just posted it on RB as its really a matter for that site.

Since you have brought the matter up, here are my thoughts on Ged & Roybacer ( and partly why you have received a bit of stick yurself.)
I have been on it and Ged has made himself a pretty jazzy site which looks good and works well as far as I can see (apart from the poptart ads lol!)I've got nothing against it and fair play to him for it. So what - its another car site- we don't owe it any allegance just cos we share a few members and we are both s'posed to be about Novas. Ged seems to think we should do.
Originally, when Ged started ( as a direct competitor to this site basically) he plugged RB fairly aggressively on here without, as far as I'm aware, bothering to make any formal request to do so but it was allowed to ride cos - hey we were all mates. However, this bad mannered fact has remained a matter of contention amongst most of our moderators and has not been forgotten esp. when Ged moans at us about not being treated right on this site. Recently, following some micky taking, matters have deteriorated which is maybe regrettable but I would say that a lot of it is to do with Geds personality. Not content with having his own site he was on this site all the time and when he felt like it, threw his weight around and said what he liked which attracted some stick. If he were a little more mature he would have realised what was happening and taken steps to avoid a confrontation by just laughing it off or summink. Instead he chose to escalate matters and get abusive with certain of our admins.

This is basically why your site is getting some shit now. Ged is the figurehead of your site. He runs it and has most control over content and tone. If you are uncomfortable with whats going on in it you need to be talking to Ged not us

30-01-02, 01:26 AM
well said cp.

30-01-02, 02:58 AM
i agree

mr johnson if u arnt happy with the way your site is ran than do sumthing about your site not ours

we run ours you run yours

there is no need to try and make the peace

ill give u an example

i get a mail from ged asking why ive been slagging off rb in his chat room (im not even registerd on that site ffs)then he tells me to "suck me twadger" now

does that sound like a responisble webmaster to u

then when i get pissed off and tell him where to go he mails back that it was a case of mistaken ident and that im to "chill out or i will get mrs mclean onto you lol"

whats all that about

novaload owns mrs mclean :P
copyright 2001

and another thing

i dont want to go and look at rb, do u see any of us posting on rb blabbing on about how we should be friends when ian gets a death threat?

no we dont

like i said b4, u do your thing and we will do ours. and please, if u want to post on this site then signup with a proper acount.


30-01-02, 06:23 AM
well ur all missing the main point here.

When you are expecting a baby, it is important to have the support of a professional you can trust.

For the last ten years I have been an independent midwife in Nelson, New Zealand and have assisted in over 500 births. Before that I worked for six years full time as a midwife in the Nelson maternity unit. I have a good working relationship with the staff in the unit and both obstetricians.

I am married and have three sons.
I can offer you:

Pre conceptual advice and free pregnancy testing
Antenatal care in your home
Your choice of home or hospital birth
Visits at home for six weeks after the birth
24 hours on call
A back up midwife whom you will meet

pag man

My average workload is 50 births per year.
I belong to the New Zealand College of Midwives and my practice is reviewed annually.

I have no hesitation in referring you to a specialist if required.



30-01-02, 06:25 AM
I just love novaload.

30-01-02, 09:10 AM
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hahaha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I think everyones gonna start crying. :,-((

30-01-02, 09:29 AM
OK lads if I offended you I appoliguse, reading the posts a day after it does sound if I was trying to Preach or something.

I have had a word with the peps on RB who I think are being, to put it subtley PRICKS so hopefully we can just forget about it all.

I would just like to say WELL SAID CP, some very vaild points.

Would also like to say that I never came on here with bad intensions or with to plug the site, so again I appoliguse. I obviously thought I could do something to cure a problem which has been going way since I got involved, but my intensions where good, and with my back ground in politics it was always worth a go wasn't it....

QUOTE FROM MICKY:like i said b4, u do your thing and we will do ours. and please, if u want to post on this site then signup with a proper acount....

I have applied for an account many a time but no one has ever got back to me. Not to sure why this is, but I'm not gonna hold my breathe about getting an account now. If you fancy starting a fresh and giving me an account then maybe my next visit won't be so hostile... dan_5door_johnson@hotmail.com

Regards and Apploliguse's.

31-01-02, 05:51 AM
one does hope you have fully read and taken in what i said

31-01-02, 08:47 AM
500 births? thats a lot of gunk

31-01-02, 10:11 AM
yes infact i have potted all the gunk from each birth i have around 1503 liters of gunk! would u like a pot?

31-01-02, 11:02 AM

And the award for
"Should have stayed on at school" goes to............the author of the first post in this thread:p:D

31-01-02, 12:03 PM
RoyBacer = novaload rejects :p

i am on the save for a new motor

31-01-02, 02:38 PM
can I have a pot of gunk. my engines running low on oil and if this stuff helps babys pop out it shouldnt have no problems keeping my little baby lubricat3d

03-02-02, 09:29 PM
may i just add, Micky, the death threats only came from 1 person and 1 person only not the whole bl**dy site. way i see it is an RB member does something to a novaload member and all hell bracks lose, it seems to me that ian has brought personal problems to novaload and got the whole site behind him, no prob with that, but, i no that ian is a member of RB and only comes on to say something that causes more trouble, problem with that, there is no need to do it, if only we could all put ur differences aside and get along like most Nova owners do.

another day another doller

03-02-02, 10:15 PM
firstly brains, dollar, not doller.

secondly he has been posting crap on novaloads novatrader about it, he brought it here.

thirdly, ged has been stirring trouble for months.

03-02-02, 11:03 PM
like i previosly said

do we go winging when our members get shit from roybacer?

if u reread what i posted u wouldnt have just said what you said. fool
