View Full Version : Seat Retrimming

08-01-05, 05:01 PM
After not being able to find a Red/grey set or SRi interior for sale.

I'm resorting to a custom set.

I just want the same kind of SRi style, but instead of the middles being blue/red i want the middles to be burgandy Velour, the same type of fabric as the grey bolsters.. so it matches my car.

How much are retrims ? i was thinking it would be reasonably cheap due to only needing partial bits done + not using Leather = expensive.

could anyone photoshop what i mean ?

Cheers Nick

08-01-05, 05:52 PM
you'll probably be able to get it done for around ?150 most upholsterers will be able to do it for you

08-01-05, 06:00 PM
welll.. my mum is good at upholstery, she's previously made sofa covers e.t.c and they fitted well without any wrinkle/baggage.

is the main difficulty trying to get it without Stretch/wrinkle lines ?

09-01-05, 05:55 PM
you still need some sports seats to retrim!

12-01-05, 06:26 PM
i can get mountains of blue/grey ones. just no red/grey ones.

13-01-05, 05:55 PM
If your mum can do a sofa im sure she can do a nova seat - i just used the nova seat as a template.

1. remove the seat covers from the frame and sponge.

2. unpick all the stitching, remembering the order in which the pieces go.

3. iron all pieces (makes it a hell of a lot easier!)

4. using nova bits as templates cut out new fabric just bigger (excess can be trimmed later).

5. pin both pieces together nova and new fabric.

6. stitch through both thicknesses, using the novas old stitch marks as a guide, I would stitch about 3 mil outside the novas lines(all will be revealed!).

7. when you have all the pieces done stitch all the pieces back together using the novas original markings.

8. re-assemble seat, instead of the hog rings you will have removed (metal loops holding wires to seat) cable ties will be sufficient (easier and cheaper too)

9. stand back and pat yourself on the back and admire your re-trimmed seat!!!

