View Full Version : Steering feels funny after taking wheel off?

03-01-05, 03:10 PM
took my steering wheel off last night because it wasn't straight, had to give it a good bash to get it off...

...but now when I turn the wheel I can feel like a clicking when it turns, it feels abit like when the steering lock is on but not as bad.

Any ideas?

p.s its still not straight so I think it must be the tracking now :roll: b*llocks.

03-01-05, 04:15 PM
If you had to give it a good bash to get it off then you could have damaged your steering column. I did the same to mine and ended up having to fit a new column.

It could just be that one of the bolts holding your steering column on has come lose though so check that they're tight first. I wish i had never touched my steering wheel in the first place after all the crap i had to do afterwards :roll:

03-01-05, 08:13 PM
yer there is a collapsable element in the column - u may have broken it

04-01-05, 07:00 PM
Sounds rough....Is that bad or...?

Is it just a matter of carrying on with it as it is?

04-01-05, 07:10 PM
right this is a little hard to explain
but could it be the thing which cancels your indicators after you've turned the wheel

if that makes sense