View Full Version : New thing

02-01-05, 07:41 PM
I've just made a new thing on the main forum page (here (http://www.novaload.net/forums/))

Basically if you look down where it says whos online, there is now a new bit that displays who is in the chatroom.

If you click on it you will be taken to the chat page...

02-01-05, 07:42 PM
i noticed that i didnt realise it was a link aswell though

02-01-05, 07:42 PM
top idea


good one

02-01-05, 07:46 PM
nice one kev. just in time for my inability to access it fro work :lol: is there any way we can set up a shoutbox style chat to connect to th irc server? it'd be poo - but it'd do for me.

also - fix the bloody "class=" but so it matches the other whose online thing. it looks poo in comparison :D

02-01-05, 08:00 PM
the link for downloading mirc doesnt work :(
Where can i get java from as the microsoft site doesnt seem to be too helpful

02-01-05, 08:14 PM
where can you get Java from... think you've got youself confused somewhere along the line mate.

02-01-05, 08:25 PM
i mean the java machine thingy u need

02-01-05, 08:30 PM

that page loads the java applet for you... or you can download mIRC from somewhere instead.

02-01-05, 08:32 PM
when i click it it says i need to download java virtual machine or something, sorry im a pain lol

02-01-05, 08:35 PM
just click yes - and a few moments later the chat applet will start.

02-01-05, 09:33 PM
Download Java here (http://javashoplm.sun.com/ECom/docs/Welcome.jsp?StoreId=22&PartDetailId=j2re-1.4.2_06-oth-JPR&SiteId=JSC&TransactionId=noreg)

02-01-05, 09:55 PM
also - fix the bloody "class=" but so it matches the other whose online thing. it looks poo in comparison :D

It's actually an image that is created via PHP using GD, I couldn't get the font to work before tea time so left it with that one. I'll have another play later on...

02-01-05, 11:28 PM
lol noticed that it was an image. Still, very good feature though and deffo wanted

03-01-05, 08:53 AM
it might inspire a few more people to actually use the chatroom... but then again seeing Ian is on might put them right off.

03-01-05, 08:02 PM
I'll only go in there when Dave Hay is in.

03-01-05, 08:09 PM
I'll only go in there when Dave Hay is in.

= never.