View Full Version : Keep or Sell?

15-01-02, 09:00 AM
Thinking about selling the car again, getting annoyed with the amount of things that have gone/are going wrong with it. How much realisticly am i looking at to get for it?
Brief Tech Spec, Breeze blue 1400sr H reg, 17's lowered 60mm, stripped interior with buckets and harnesses, colourcoded bumpers etc etc.

15-01-02, 09:48 AM
keep it, make a list of the things that are wrong with it. sort them into priority order then gradually get them done.

selling it is the easy option, but you'll just pi55 the cash up the wall and you'll have no car...

keep it i say.


no blank cheques, just graft and patience...whhhaaaarrrppp

15-01-02, 09:58 AM
and if i sell.. shall i buy another nova?

15-01-02, 10:32 AM
Like Ged said, keep it and make a list of what you need. i done one last night just for little niggely things and a new tyre and its over ?200 so far. If you do sell it don't buy another nova cos you'll only have the same problems with anohter.

15-01-02, 10:58 AM
naaa think ive made my mind up, best sell before the brown stuff takes over :(

15-01-02, 11:33 AM
To be honest with you breeny, I don't think you'll make any money out of it. If you do sell it (which appears to be what you're going to do) you'll be car less and even more pi55ed off. I think we all go through these moments when were sick of our cars and how much they cost us (i know i do on regular occasions :p), but at the end of the day, theres a lot of self satisfaction to be had. You've only had the car 5 minutes. I don't think you've given it a chance. Just think about it for a week or so. Have a word with your mate about the bodywork. The cars not in bad nick, a couple of small dents, but thats it. The engine is fine and you're starting to get it looking really good with the new wheels. Don't give up so easily mate. It'll take time to get it to the standard that you want. It's down to you at the end of the day, but I say keep it and get over this low point, I think you'll only be dissapointed in the long run if you sell it.


15-01-02, 11:57 AM
I think your right Jim, cheers for ringing and sorting me out :)

15-01-02, 12:46 PM
lol, no worries mate, anytime :)

15-01-02, 12:57 PM

how many times have i had this conversation with myself :D

i nearly sold the white nova about 7 times

the veccys nearly been sold twice allready

and the rest ov my novas were just as bad


15-01-02, 02:26 PM
Jim you are deffo right! When my engine siezed in my 2ltr i was so close to selling it as a none runner, but then i thought about it and i would be letting the car beat me and there is no way i was going to let that happen! Rick

It only owes me ?10k so far! lmfao

15-01-02, 03:13 PM
mine owes me about ?1300 ATM

1.6i (filter, zorst, 2.0 air flow meter)
16v brakes
around 8 to 60

preddy cheap


no blank cheques, just graft and patience...whhhaaaarrrppp

15-01-02, 03:37 PM
lo @ rick - ?10,000! F00kin Hell!

Glad to hear I sometimes say stuff that makes sence :'> I think thats why we all come onto this site. We are enthusiasts and when times are down we need peeps who have gone through similar situations to make us realise that it's not as bad as it could be.

When will your car be back on the road Rick? I mean that sincerley, you've got ages before John get's his arse into gear and gets his on the road ;)


15-01-02, 05:10 PM
Breeny, u gotta keep it mate!
I went through the same thing with mine ...and I was gonna scrap it!
Still in the bodyshop after 8 months...
all that hard work, effort, money, time spent on thinking about it & doing it ...and if u did get another motor you'll wanna jazz that up to ...again the same scenario would occur, but probably on a more expensive scale! I have spent ?11k on mine too (it's a complete bucket, should have got another!)

15-01-02, 05:59 PM
lol @ ged my 16" cost less then that

2.0 16v (filter, zorst, k&n, chip)
16v brakes
around 8 to 60

16v Nova - Toolkit, Trouble, Points and great expence all come as standard :)

2.0 16v back soon :D

Driver required to take car to VBOA/TRAX apply at ste@novaload.net

15-01-02, 06:50 PM
Slim mine shud have the engine in again within a week or so i hope. But i am not going to drive it as it is going on a trip to JP exhausts, Wheels and painting then i will drive it as if i get it on the road i wont get it all done! Hope John gets going on his soon as its such a waste. Rick

It only owes me ?10k so far! lmfao

15-01-02, 11:53 PM
such a waste!!! lol! I know it is taking forever, but whenever I start to do anything, a tool breaks or I run out of cash!!! It is looking like it will be a few more months now before it is done, due to lack of funds and having to spend time searching for another job(I get made redundant in 2 months) It all depends on if I can get a garage to sort out the engine bay properly and them not expect paying for a while!!lol!
Also, Rick, when am I going to get that gearbox??????

2.0 16v on it's way soon!!! (again!!!!) :)

17-01-02, 06:16 PM
John i will sort it out for you but i am off work ill at the moment! and cannot do much to my car or anything so i am aiming to sort everything out next week and will sort your gearbox to. Rick

It only owes me ?10k so far! lmfao

18-01-02, 01:18 PM
erm, u did it all yourself ste?

we all know your 'ace'

i was saying it was preddy cheap considering what i've seen other peeps pay.


no blank cheques, just graft and patience...whhhaaaarrrppp

18-01-02, 06:47 PM
WTF are u saying ged
p.s. i could have got a tidy gsi for what u payed :p

16v Engine fitting and advice... mail me for a quote :D

22-01-02, 11:40 AM

i couldn't afford to insure a GSi @ 18 with 6 points.

i was just gonna tidy up my mk2 1.2 (which i got for ?600) and leave it, then i got a decent insurance quote so i did the conversion...if i'd known i was gonna do a conversion, i would have bought a mint cheap mk2 1.0...

your big headed mate, always saying how good the cars are u can get and the things u can do and 'i can get this for ?1.99" etc etc

thats what i was saying


no blank cheques, just graft and patience...whhhaaaarrrppp

22-01-02, 03:56 PM
and how old r u now ged?? and how many points u got???

16v Engine fitting and advice... mail me for a quote :D

22-01-02, 04:09 PM
i'm 18, not far away from 19, i still have the 6 points (IN10 which is not far away from being on the same par as drink driving, which is a very nasty conviction when insuring a motor)


no blank cheques, just graft and patience...whhhaaaarrrppp

23-01-02, 12:34 AM
U know wot Ged I agree with ya. lol

Nuff respect to Ste for knowing lots about Nova's, but I dont think anyone gives a shit about 'oh i've got one of these on my car :p ' and I can get this for ?xxx when it's hardly helping the post... loadsa queries in the tech section from peeps have such a reply from yerself. Bit pointless I reckon. Nowt personal but thats how I see it :D

No point showin off m8, I think we all know wot car u drive... And at the end of the day it's still an old nova! heh

Ged, how much ya payin on ur insurance now just outta interest?

If there's grass on the pitch... :D

23-01-02, 09:36 AM
at least i don't post pics of my car asking if it's clean..... i let users see what i payed/did for parts so they can see how much the parts can be got for if u look arround

"of the day it's still an old nova!"

i can go and buy a scooby tomorow if i want but hey it's just a car and i'd rather spend my time/money messing arround with my old nova

16v Engine fitting and advice... mail me for a quote :D

23-01-02, 09:55 AM
Dave, i pay ?1200 TPO, 1.6i, lowered, alloys.

ste --> http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/thebirds.gif


My Red Shed is a tad nippy. I'm not arsed if I crash, so watch out

23-01-02, 09:56 AM
yeh ged how much is your insurance?
most insurance co's would put the phone down if i called up and said

"hi i'm 18 with a modded nova gsi and a conviction for drink driving"

16v Engine fitting and advice... mail me for a quote :D

23-01-02, 10:01 AM
erm, i have a mk 1.2 with 1.6i, hence why it's cheaper and hence the third party only for quite a high ?1200


My Red Shed is a tad nippy. I'm not arsed if I crash, so watch out

23-01-02, 01:24 PM
a 1.2 with a 1.6 engine is more to insure than a std gte/gsi

16v Engine fitting and advice... mail me for a quote :D

23-01-02, 03:13 PM
i haven't disclosed all my details in the above posts, and dont intend to just for a petty arguement ---> http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/thebirds.gif


My Red Shed is a tad nippy. I'm not arsed if I crash, so watch out

23-01-02, 04:25 PM
:O shock!!! ged gets cheaper insurance cause he's a girl

16v Engine fitting and advice... mail me for a quote :D

24-01-02, 12:26 AM
Actually I reckon Ged got a good deal there and I bet goin on the state of insurance these days a GTE would cost more to insure really from most places.

The prices keep goin up and up, fookin annoying... CIS is sposed to be cheap but for me @ 21 a 1.4SRi wud cost a grand to insure lol... but not sure if i want a nova anymore, cant really get a good workin sportyish one for 500 :)

If there's grass on the pitch... :D

24-01-02, 09:07 AM
i'm sure ian will confirm that a car that has had a 1.6 fitted is more than a car with a 1.6 fitted as std

16v Engine fitting and advice... mail me for a quote :D

26-01-02, 01:01 AM
depends on the insurance company i'd imagine.. look at that bloke elsewhere on the forums.. the insurance class his 2.0 16v's old 1.0 as a 1.0 still even tho everything is declared. lol nice :)

If there's grass on the pitch... :D