View Full Version : has anyone ever used steriods

27-12-04, 12:13 PM
just curious if they make a noticeable difference

27-12-04, 12:17 PM
lol, not me but they make your nob smaller,

27-12-04, 12:49 PM
My mate took steiroids and he was training like fuck while he was on them and he has had a noticeably big diffrence...he was on them for 12 months now hes off them and trains like fuck...and hes still huge :roll:

I was thinking off goin on them myself...its just the knob shrinkage puts me off...i dunno if its true or not :lol:

27-12-04, 01:13 PM
hmmm a roidy boy in south wales, WOW he must be the first;) lmao

dont forget the attitude change (for the worse)

27-12-04, 02:25 PM
I was thinking off goin on them myself...its just the knob shrinkage puts me off...i dunno if its true or not :lol:

No it does not shrink your 'knob'. However, because steroids commondly increase the testosterone levels, which are naturally produced in your body, taking them can shrink your TESTICLES.

Anyone on steroids is stupid in my opinion. First of all, they are ILLEGAL. This means their supply and sale is unregulated, and you don't know what you are buying.

One's used in bodybuilding are called Anabolic, which means "building body tissue." Anabolic steroids help build muscle tissue and increase body mass by acting like the body's natural male hormone, testosterone. They come in the form of pills or liquid to be injected, and have to be taken in HIGH doses to obtain any effect.

There is NO way of knowing what you are taking. You could be taking horse steroids for what you know.

Also, the negative aspects FAR outweigh any benefits. Below are just SOME of the risks/effects associated with steroids:

* High blood pressure and heart disease
* Liver damage and cancers
* Stroke and blood clots
* Urinary and bowel problems, such as diarrhea
* Headaches, aching joints, and muscle cramps
* Nausea and vomiting
* Sleep problems
* Increased risk of ligament and tendon injuries
* Severe acne, especially on face and back
* Baldness
* Reduced sperm count
* Impotence
* Increase in nipple and breast size (gynecomastia)
* Enlarged prostate (gland that mixes fluid with sperm to form semen)
* "Roid rage" - severe, aggressive behavior that may result in
violence, such as fighting or destroying property
* Severe mood swings
* Hallucinations - seeing or hearing things that are not really there
* Paranoia - extreme feelings of mistrust and fear
* Anxiety and panic attacks
* Depression and thoughts of suicide
* An angry, hostile, or irritable mood

If you want to get big, learn about correct form and technique, work to MMF, and make sure your intensity of training is right. Also, it is VITAL that your diet reflects your training needs and you get enough period of recovery in between sessions. Yes it takes longer, but you will actually get REAL sustainable benefits. i.e. HEALTHY body.

Remember, there is NO replacement for a healthy diet, proper training, and practice.

27-12-04, 09:02 PM
Taking steroids alone will NOT help you, you will just get fat if you take them. They help you recover quikcer, therefore you can train more often. IMO really not worth taking.

As marty says, they are Illegal the ones used in bodybuilding. Plus I bet the ones that you have access to are not even the "correct" ones. I have been on steroids for my asthma before, i bet it is the same stuff that you are considering.

Again, as Marty says, you cant beat a good dieat and regualr training

28-12-04, 12:10 AM
Maybe slightly off topic but although I agree with marty 100%, other drugs that people take on a daily basis have a negative affect on the body, take caffine for instance - High blood pressure

I'd say that fags could be attributed to around half the list marty has put up, plus many others - emphisemia or bronchitus for example!

28-12-04, 12:43 AM
i agree with marty! they not worth it!! do it the proper way mate!! work hard instead of taking the easy way out

28-12-04, 01:45 AM
Exercise properly and you will reap the benefits without the negatives. Sure, it will take longer, but the harder you work for something, the sweeter the success.

28-12-04, 12:26 PM
plus u will fell better knowing that u accomplished it on your own with no drugs to help!!

28-12-04, 06:54 PM
both me and me mate were taking them

he was pinning them up i was taking the tablets

i refused to pin them up as if i did it wrong i could die and am not a fan of needles

we both noticed a huge difference but the roid rage was difficult to control

dont take them if your not training otherwise you'll just pile the weight on

29-12-04, 11:49 AM
I am a lean muscle machine anyway due to all my masturbatory based exercising. I also incorporate squats and lunges whilst i am stroking the salami.

29-12-04, 11:51 AM
I am a lean muscle machine anyway due to all my masturbatory based exercising. I also incorporate squats and lunges whilst i am stroking the salami.

i have an awful image in my head now...

thanks :cry:

29-12-04, 12:05 PM
I am a lean muscle machine anyway due to all my masturbatory based exercising. I also incorporate squats and lunges whilst i am stroking the salami.

always best to build the muscles up the natural way

29-12-04, 12:09 PM
If u wanna get bigger, ie, more muscle and more definition, then go to the gym 3-4 times a week isolating each muscle group and working them f**king hard. This, coupled with a weight gain suppliment; like whey or protein, will make you gain weight (muscle mass) and muscle definition as protein is the 'building block' of muscle. Do this for a good 5-6 months and you WILL see a difference.

One step further would be the same gym regieme (spelling?) but with a CREATINE suppliment instead of the weight gainer. Creatine is not illegal and is made naturally by your body anyway, but increasing the dosage in a controlled way stimulates increased muscle growth.

If all done properly, its very benificial.

29-12-04, 12:13 PM
creatine is a load of crap... just retains water

creatine enhanced muscle isnt strong

29-12-04, 12:22 PM
creatine is a load of crap... just retains water

creatine enhanced muscle isnt strong

Creatine's a kind of amino acid that breaks down protein and makes it easier for your body to absorb and use protein for muscle growth, so it is worth taking. But yeah it also makes your muscles retain water so makes you look buffer :lol:

If you do take it, use it for 2-3 months and then stay off of it for 2-3 months and so on, otherwise your body may stop naturally producing it. You can also buy amino acid tablets that you take 2-3 of immediately after a work out and with every meal, in order to break down the protein you intake and let your muscle's absorb it easier and quicker.

The working out bit isn't the difficult bit, it's having a strict, controlled and high protein diet thats the hard bit.

29-12-04, 07:59 PM
one of my friends brothers uses some wierd stuff that aren't steroiods, but they do the same job

he is very muscular and strong, and he says there have been no drawbacks...

but he does work hard !

29-12-04, 08:44 PM
i already workout 3 times a week an use supplments n creatine i am curious as to how much of an improvment roids would make

30-12-04, 02:02 AM
I do ten press-ups a month. This provides me with immense physical development and increased endurance.

To boost my gains i eat a baked potaTOE with Tuna, once a day.

30-12-04, 02:06 AM
Tuna is the food of the god. The one true god... TUNA.

The Lord Reverend wisewood presides over his church.