View Full Version : Fun in the snow

31-12-01, 10:53 AM
last nite got a little stupid for sum ov us geordies.

messing about in the snow in a car park/unused area had us doing more and more stupid things for a laff.

best idea was hanging onto car spoilers and skating about the roads,

until i whipped out my tow rope and we had the idea ov snowsking.

chucked the tow rope on the tow hook, got a mate to grab the rope, and off i went down the road, slow at first till he got confident. got quite fast, its unbeliveably funny looking behind you and seeing your mates face as he tried to keep his balance at 20 mph "woooagh wooooaaagh, woooaaaaaaaahhh" etc etc (leave windows open so u can hear his voice as well!)

ended up going all the way down this road to a u bend, the u bend was compleatly sheeted over and the only way the cars would go around was via handbraking.

i forgot about my mate and chucked the handbrake on cuaseing him to accelarate stupidly quickly as the back end flew round. he fell over, no real damage

as we came back up the road he wanted to go faster so i speeds upto about 30ish (i was nearly crashing becuase i couldnt see for tears!) he hits a dry spot in the road and goes fucking flying taking a chunk out ov his stomach, hes looking pretty bad as he hobbles down the road so i reverse back up and say this quality line

"u fucked up? grab the rope ill tow u back up!"

he declines

u would think this would put the other lads off, but no they all wanted a shot.

we got a binlid tried that (was crap)
becuase we was next to the beach, we got a life ring thing, and they were mint got my mate upto about 45mph as he hung on.

i gave up and my other mate took up the towing, another mate knicked a plastic sledge and they got him well past 50mph b4 he went flying in to a kerb (the lad in the sledge)

i left at 1am this morning and they were still at it


31-12-01, 11:47 AM
sounds mint mate - most excitement i had in this weather was slipping on my drive and sliding on my arse into the middle of the road... oops!
then to add insult the 12 year old paperboy had to help me up as i kept slipping over again...

The name is misleading - I am not wise, or wooden.

31-12-01, 12:08 PM
lmao @ wisewood. Id have loved to see that!!!

31-12-01, 12:23 PM
good thing nobody else was about, i would have been well embarresed.
Was bad enough landing on arse and sliding all way into road but then to flounder around like a dumb ass trying to stand up, not good, not good at all.

The name is misleading - I am not wise, or wooden.

31-12-01, 12:54 PM
lmfao!! I did this same thing with my mate on a skateboard behind my car, only thing is, I thought he had skated off, so I stopped and the next thing I saw was my mates head come through the back window of my car and glass flying all over the place!!! it was very funny!! he cut his face open though and we had to goto casualty!! doh!

the annoying thing(apart from breaking the window!!) was that he managed to bleed all over my parcel shelf and new speakers!!!! X-(

2.0 16v on it's way soon!!! (again!!!!) :)

31-12-01, 01:03 PM
all that blood might scare off theives!!

31-12-01, 02:12 PM
did something similar last year when we had snow,
Got a long tow rope and an mk3 escort bonnet, (cos they bend down at the front if you know what I mean) and went surfing on it, 2's up round a huge industrial estate,

One company were working and once they realised what we were doing there were loads of workers just standing at the windows in disbelief at us f*cking about, quality bonnet surfing at 30-40 mph especially on bends where you speed up, and get thrown off Carl Foggarty style,

And then one dick mate in a renault clio turned back towards us when we surfing full on at 30, and we smashed into the side of his car, lucky we didn't go under the wheels,


31-12-01, 04:27 PM
car bonnet sounds good

but nothing is as funny as seeing your mate "waterski" along the side ov your car like summit out ov james bond and then swing back around the back ov the car while jumping over the dry bits.

i actualy had a sore stomach becuase i was laffing so hard


31-12-01, 06:08 PM
Nice one micky, i couldn't stop laughing as i was reading ur insane post :D - and it gets funnier & funnier, Hope ur mate who now has a missing chunk out of his stomach is ok! :O