View Full Version : Private Plates

14-09-00, 01:11 PM
My exellent girlfriend has bought me a private registeration mark for my 21st. The reciept came yesterday, now I have got to send a load of stuff off (m.o.t certificaye etc..) to the VOR. does any body know what exactly you have to send coz I can't understand the stupid for they have sent me! and also does any body know how long it takes before i can put my plates on my motor, coz i am pissed off now and i just want to be one of these rich peolpe you see driving around with private plates on there cars!

15-09-00, 08:11 PM
Hello there, i have just purchased a Private plate also, which i am waiting on my documents for, i get them Tommorrow, i am getting a full instructed letter on how to do it all, so as soon as i get it i will try and help you out a little once i have done mine right! it all depends on how you Girlfriend has gone about getting you the plate, as the Company i bought mine form handle the whole process, of transferring the plate in to my name! only thing i have to do now is get a plate made, and register it to my Nice Nova GSI( WHEN I FIND A GOOD ONE TO BUY!!!!!! DO YOU KNOW OF ANY?)ILL TALK TO YOU THE MORN, AND TRY AND HELP