View Full Version : FAO rich.dale

28-12-01, 04:45 PM
Rich - do you ever read your emails or what?

The name is misleading - I am not wise, or wooden.

28-12-01, 05:22 PM
Oi wisewood!! yalreet?? long time no speak! Wat u bin up2?

28-12-01, 05:30 PM
alreight darlin'...
just noticed your name down the bottom... was gonna put a fao samzy post up.
not been up to much, had to get mi cats nuts cut off coz he kept humpin at my girl cat. randy buggers. now i gotta get her an abortion and a snip snip of her own coz i dont want no ickle babies - the ones i got aren't even 1 yet.
Finally getting round to fixing my three cars... working hard, as usual...
what about you?
had a good xmas?

The name is misleading - I am not wise, or wooden.