View Full Version : Ignorant Little Bastards

29-11-04, 06:39 PM
I say, i am sorry for making more work for you by not bothering to use the site correctly, i am annoyed that i did this as you appear to have edited it and locked it

Damned nasty of you to do that instead of moving it but i promise to use the forums correctly in the future so the problem doesnt come back

(suppose this will be locked/deleted as well eh!)

29-11-04, 06:42 PM
Learn some f**k manners whoever did that

Kind of ironic/hypocritical giving the language used lol. no offence meant or nowt, just made me giggle.... :D

29-11-04, 06:48 PM
i can see your point...

but that's what they do.

29-11-04, 06:52 PM
bye lol :wink:

29-11-04, 06:56 PM
yes, it probably wasn't the best post to make..

just to clarifly about what i said above

i can see her point , but the moderators are there for a reason and it's fair enough what they did. by the sounds of it, they probably could have done it in a more civalised way.

29-11-04, 06:59 PM
You can swear but still have manners :lol:

And I don't care if I get banned cause from now on I'm not using this site because bothered with them doing that! All they had to do was move it to the for sale forum - ooh so hard like.

29-11-04, 07:01 PM
i dont see her point all it took was one extra click of the mouse to get to the for sale forum!! its your own tuff shite :P

29-11-04, 07:01 PM
I really have no idea what the hell you are on about, but yes this is locked, yes i did lock this one, and yes i did edit it.

One more outburst wont be tolerated. learn to use the forums correctly first then shout your mouth off when you know who you are shouting at maybe, its easier that way and saves alot of work