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View Full Version : gte over heats quickly

26-11-04, 07:33 PM
i havne a nova gte lump fitted in my corsa (originaly 1.2) the thermostat and tempreature sensor have been replaced. the car always sits at 95(half way on a 85-105 scale). its warms up nicely but gets in the red far too quickly,theres no water leaks,have fitted new head gasket. its has the 1.2 rad but i have checked this against other corsa's and they all seem to be the same size in the corsa range.its just annoying as 2min in traffic and its in the red!!has anyone got any good ideas?
does anyone know what teh e16se lumps water temp is noramlly?
thanks james

26-11-04, 07:35 PM
sounds like the radiator might be partually blocked, does the temp then go back down quickly or slowly when you start moving again?

26-11-04, 07:35 PM
Is the cooling fan working

26-11-04, 07:40 PM
it doesnt take long for the temp to drop again,even having the heaters on slows it down a bit?i wonder if my rad is too small?

yes the fan cuts in fine but at 105 deg,its more the fact it gets hot tooo quick

thanks james

26-11-04, 07:45 PM
the fan should cut in well below 105, soulds like the rad may be partly blocked.
To check take it off the car, fill it with water blocking the other end wiv you hand, take your hand off then the water should gush out, if it does a little then trickles out the rest ie more than about haft its prob blocked,

26-11-04, 07:46 PM
or are you sure that your guage is reading right??? how do you know the exaxt temperatures, could be the guage isnt calibrated corectly

26-11-04, 07:49 PM
i dont really know,does that happen then that the gauge messes up?its had a new ater temp sensor that tells the gauge

26-11-04, 08:00 PM
yes the guages can read wrong, you really need an external way of measureing the temp, a thermometer really.
But you know the biggest problem.... its a corsa, should be a nova then you wouldnt have the problem. LOL

26-11-04, 08:12 PM
haha too true mate
wrote my little nova off 2years ago so moved onto corsa but yea prefer novas mate. its a nippy little car tho plantly of go,wouldnt mind tryin up against a nova gte,preferably standard!!

cheers mate,james

26-11-04, 08:21 PM
you'd loose, nova's lighter. END OF

27-11-04, 06:31 AM
It could be the water pump on its way out, not shifting enough water to keep it cool. The gauge should read right, I fitted a 1600 to a corsa 1.2 and it was fine. I would also go with the radiator blockage probability


28-11-04, 08:01 PM
i duno mines had quite alot of work done to it,still like to try cant be a def sert that nova would beat me without trying it.