View Full Version : someone please help...

24-11-04, 07:23 AM
...rite ive got an assignment to do at college and its about the manufacture of camshafts. i was wondering if anyone knew how they are made, or have a link to a website that would tell me.
cheers All

25-11-04, 08:00 AM
ANYONE??? :(

25-11-04, 09:04 AM
ok, basically, you start with a blank tht has been turned in a lathe, where all the profiles are round (NO LOBES).
The blank is then put on a giant CNC gringing maching that puts the profile onto the cam, its like a huge grinding wheel. Have you looked onto the piper cams or kent cam websites??? I am sure that there was something on there when i was at college.

Also as your a lazy student i guess that you wouldnt go to the libary and find a copy of the Engine Builders Handbook, its all about american V8's but all the principles still apply and i remember something in there about it.

25-11-04, 09:30 AM
cheers for the help...and im not a lazy student as i am only at college for 1 day a week (apprenticeship) they wont give us a library card, so the only access we have fo information is the internet and i have spent hours looking and not been able to find anything on the manufacture. i will have a look around for that bok though. cheers Matt

25-11-04, 12:43 PM
There was a good article in Total Vauxhall about how camshafts work, can remember the issue though. Was good reading


25-11-04, 03:23 PM
if you fancy splashing out ?40 on a book i can recomemd "advanced engine design" (orange cover about 2.5 " thick) im affraid i cant remember the authours name but its got a fantastic section on how cam profiles are calculated etc blah blah

and then there is the engine design book that is the prequal to that book, its a blue cover and sameish price.

as drivingspanner said they are cast, turned (for the bearings etc, then ground as per the design in the CNC machine.

my mate designs the bearings for cams, for FORD, ill ask him if he has any stuff that could be released for viewing,

25-11-04, 04:16 PM
yeah that would be a great help mate, im going to look into buying the book i think, even though i need it for one assignment, im sure it would be a usefull book to have anyway.
cheers Matt

25-11-04, 04:51 PM
well those two books are more or less the holy grail in terms of engine design from the fundamentals

they were written in the early1900's and just updated as techniology improved lol