View Full Version : this would b mental! UPDATE!!!

17-12-01, 12:58 AM
Right then, this meeting that everyone has been talking about, what is/is not going on/off with it?
So far its been all talk and no action.
We should get something sorted out about which area of the country to host it in, then set a date. Otherwise it will just get talked about for months or even years and then we will pass our novas onto our grandkids as our legacy and say "Go on novaload.net and find out if they are having that meet up yet."
Come on poeple, lets sort it out.

The name is misleading - I am not wise, or wooden.

17-12-01, 02:11 AM
Well Said Wisewood! lol :D

Novaloader Formally Known as Cheese

17-12-01, 02:39 AM
The easy part is finding somewhere in the middle on an East/West aixs, its just the North/South thats the big problem.
I reckon a good way to work it out would be to put a vote thing on the homepage of novaload like there used to be where it asks are you attending the novaload meet?
Then after a week say, once you know how many people are attending put another one up saying are you north or south of, for example, sheffield.
Once you know the sort of figures you are looking at for those attending from north and south you can calculate where to put it so its fair.
If only 10 people are coming from way up north, and there are 30 from down south, its not fair to make 30 travel really far for the sake of the 10, and vice versa.
Thats what i reckon anyway.

The name is misleading - I am not wise, or wooden.

17-12-01, 10:13 AM
the fact is tho if you are really botherd then you should be willing to travel,

i think darby would be a good choice, but it is a good idea that we get it sorted soon so everyone can plan around it ect..

17-12-01, 07:01 PM
yea as long as its middle ish i dont give a fek it will take me around 4hours ne way as im down south! this is gunna be phat as fcuk! how do we go about geeting magazines involved im sure total vaux would be interested!??

17-12-01, 10:19 PM
before we can get someone like tatoal vauxhall involved we need some solid details.
as brian.bb says, we should be wiling to travel for it.
I aint bothered where it is as i am in Sheffield area anyway so middle of country is not too far.

The name is misleading - I am not wise, or wooden.

18-12-01, 12:57 AM
I agree, come on you Admin dudes, get a vote or something going. Someone needs to make a decision. I'd be more than happy to organise a convoy from the Milton Keynes area.

18-12-01, 10:32 AM
Im willing to travel-the main problem I can see,is no matter where the meet is,it will be closer/further away for some novaloaders,Id be willing to travel anyways,but I think as central of the uk as poss will make it fairest,we also gotta think where we are all gonna park if needs be?-if theres gonna be shed loads of us,wont we over run a retail park?

sideskirts soon