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22-11-04, 11:37 PM
To Drive Quickly On Country Roads at Night???

A few people seem to think it is for some reason, I Personally would rather constantly drive on country roads as its a hell of a lot safer than driving on the usual Public Highway. There is far Less chance of some Prick hitting you from behind while stuck in a traffic jam because they wern't paying attention although you do run the risk of stuffing your car if your a little overconfident and miss judge a corner, badger, rat, Mouse, hampster, sheep, bull, cow, Angry farmer U get the idea...


22-11-04, 11:42 PM
in my opinion yes

fair enuff i go 60 down some country roads, but never breaking the speed limit, and of course, i slow down on corners e.t.c

it must be 13+ people i know/know of that have killed themselves now due to driving idiocity !

better to be safe than sorry !

well done for a good post , better than the usual crap ppl post up :-D

22-11-04, 11:44 PM
Well you got me thinking Pal :wink:

Country roads are somthing I absolutley love, without them Driving would be a bore...

22-11-04, 11:44 PM
I thought that was what country roads were for? Could never understand the point in traffic light Grand Prix 0-30 in 5 secs. Wow.

22-11-04, 11:49 PM
hmmm.. well i live in a country area so every road is a country road lol !

last time i went a little silly on a country road, i couldn't avoid the wood partridge that was flying towards me and it went straight thru my grill and cracked the rad !

i don't even want to think what it would have done if it hit the windscreen :o

a car full of 5 lads crashed, 1 died instantly, and about a week later the passenger hung himself off of a bridge.

fester would probably rember this, as it was only recently.

i went to school with the lad and his sister who dies in the car.

and i knew of/hung around the guy who commited suicide's girlfriend

23-11-04, 12:09 AM
Dunno, I can't remember that one. A lad in the year above us at Ripley crashed and one of the lads died. The lad who died had no seatbelt on and was messing around gooning out of the window. Although I can't say he would be OK if he'd been in the seat with a belt on I do know that you can't complain too much if you don't help yourself as much as possible.

I don't disagree with people exceeding 'normal' speed conditions in circumstances where the only danger they pose is to themselves and they are genuinely within their own limits.

I think we've all gone way over the limit on the roads, probably all will again, and it brings you back down pretty damn quick when it gets sketchy.

23-11-04, 12:09 AM
Extremely Harsh fella, But i guess these things can happen.

Away frm the scary stuff anyways, Whats other peoples veiws?

23-11-04, 12:14 AM
hmm, the crash happened near truckhaven on the A6 ? at carnforth..

the uninjured drivers name is Ryan winterburn, the lad who died was mark nelson, and the kid commited suicide of a bridge in lancaster ? called ross.

must have only been a couple of months ago.. i don't think the suicide was in the papers or anything ! must've beena request from the family

yep, away from this now lol :cry: anyone ever run over a doormouse?

23-11-04, 12:16 AM
That's where I rolled mine, attempted the roundabout a little on the quick side!

Hey ho lesson learned. Don't reognise any of those names sorry.

23-11-04, 12:17 AM
lol my mates gotta LAD converted 106 GTi..

he can take pinelake roundabout at roughly 60mph, it's absolutly insane..

fastest i've ever dared is 50mph n that's turtle heading like a bitch !

23-11-04, 01:39 AM
i think its all down to the driver at the end of the day!! if its someone that knows what there doing (not many) and respects the dangers then i see no problem with it

23-11-04, 08:54 AM
in my opinion yes

fair enuff i go 60 down some country roads, but never breaking the speed limit, and of course, i slow down on corners e.t.c

it must be 13+ people i know/know of that have killed themselves now due to driving idiocity !

better to be safe than sorry !

well done for a good post , better than the usual crap ppl post up :-D

P.S. The speed limit on an unmarked road, i.e. country road, is 50mph. And I am also surrounded by country roads, it's great isn't it 8).

23-11-04, 09:53 AM
each to there own i would say.

the only thing that would bother me is when someone were to cause an accident to the innocent bystander.

my example would be.
someone who knows the roads really well, flying down the country lanes.
suddenly comes up to a car with an elderly person driving (or someone with no knowledge of the area) gets hit accessively hard from behind.

reason, the person knew the roads too well and was going to fast.
the other person hit would stand no chance.

23-11-04, 10:00 AM
I'm not sure what you guys class as country roads :roll:

Round where I live, if you get out of the urban area and into the hills, the country roads are only big enough for one car. They scare me.

Imagine 2 cars flying along at 50mph, both approaching a corner, next thing they know they are kissing bonnets :o

I remember when I was 16 and had been at a mates house who lives up in the hills. I was riding home on my motorbike down a lane, next thing I know theres a tractor coming towards me with a massive hay bale stuck on a spike on the front lol

23-11-04, 10:17 AM
I said speed limit not compulsory speed.

Anyway it was for j829 nick as he said about not speeding through country roads at 60mph, so if there are no markings he is speeding.

Yeah it is scary on a bike down the lanes, but then there is always room to get by :twisted:.

23-11-04, 10:37 AM
There is a nice lane at the back near me where i can get 90 round the twisty's i go down a few times a day i know very well. Yet nearly every week some goon will take out the fence because they dont know the limits of their car or themselves. Its these people that cause the threat as they dont know the road and are basically twats. I only drive fast on roads i am know very well where i know exactly what speed i can take each corner.

my example would be.
someone who knows the roads really well, flying down the country lanes.
suddenly comes up to a car with an elderly person driving (or someone with no knowledge of the area) gets hit accessively hard from behind
Old people should be taken off the road, i mean 15mph down a country lane, how i stopped in time i dont know

23-11-04, 11:27 AM
I'm not sure what you guys class as country roads :roll:

Round where I live, if you get out of the urban area and into the hills, the country roads are only big enough for one car. They scare me.

Kev, I've driven a fair few of those roads and yeah thats the kinda thing im on about.

Esp if you go to Ste's then turn right, and follow that road to Deeside Ind est.

Thats a Bloody big route, and harldy big enough to fit one car down let along 2. Bear in mind i said at night as well, I'd never drive fast on a country lane during the day...

23-11-04, 12:49 PM
Well my self im kinda giving up on contry lane blasting(no way at night as there is to many unseen dangers) Well cus when i passt my test i "though" i knew the road,whitch i did,but i never knew the limmets of the car or my driving abbilaty,so i flew off down the road(i was in a mk2 1.1 fiesta) got the back wheels screeaching round the first bend,thouhg cool,didnt back of much as i know the back end would step out if i did,so keept my boot down,the next corner came up way too quick and the backend just lost all grip,flong right out into the road,i oversteerd it back far too much,got the back end swinging like a yo yo cliped a small cherry tree on the back end(braking rear axle and crushing seats) tryed gaining it back as i did there was a huge oak tree coming at me"BAG" slap bag in the middle of my boonet(i had my set belt on) if i didnt i would have followed the windscreen 200yrd down the road..car spun back off the tree flung me toward an on coming car(whitch i just missed) and i stoped a few feet from hitting a tellegraph poll..

So the car was totaled and i had serious pains in my neack back and chest(had renched my ribs away from my chest plate,streched all the muscles) was unable to work for a mounth,i learn the most importatant lessond "be safe not sorry"...

You grow up learn and get better at driving,but then it's not you that you have to worry about,it's other road users that are new and are learning there misstakes out there..

I have pictures somewhere i f i find them out i will show them..
So this is my storry on it,no im not into country road blasstnig anymore,plus there is tomany pot holes round here they kill your wheels :lol:

Save it for organised track days and off road rallys..

PS:that happend in 1998,im much better driver now.lol


23-11-04, 12:54 PM
We all learn by our mistakes . . . It makes people more aware of their car's and how they react etc

23-11-04, 01:06 PM
Yeah sorry it was long to say the same thing,lol


23-11-04, 01:08 PM

23-11-04, 01:18 PM
had renched my ribs away from my chest plate,streched all the muscles

I am feeling queezy here lol

23-11-04, 02:23 PM
had renched my ribs away from my chest plate,streched all the muscles

I am feeling queezy here lol

lol you should of fellt the pain too mate,i couldnt breath or sleep very easy for over a month,and was ment to be driving to my mates up at hull uni the same weekend,we did it,but my mate drove up and we when to a club,i tryed getting pished but i couldnt really drink as the anit inflamatry pills and pain killers didnt mix very well (i was going to the loo a lot) :lol:


23-11-04, 03:28 PM
couldn't help notice that pun at the end of J829's 2nd post.

i live in North Devon which is notorious for country lanes. Its about 2 miles of narrow lanes to get to the nearest mainroad.

Driving around some of the Lanes close to our house, both your wing mirrors get scratched by the brambles growing out of the hedge and the middle of the road is made of grass. There are some massive puddles / floods about this time of year also.


Thats after it was washed a week ago. (New front tyres today also (clean))
Front Mudguard fell off on Mon also lol.

They had a Rally round here last sat. 40 drivers entered but only 6 found their way to the finish, lol. the rest got lost.

23-11-04, 05:42 PM

when i mean country roads i kinda mean 2 lane roads.. i.e marked roads !

i don't fly round country Lanes at all, because most of the hedges are never cutt = extreamly dangerous

country roads are great, if theres a long stretch with good visability i floor it n take the corners fast-ish.. but never going over the speed limit tho, can't afford to get nabbed by a copper.

i've just seen too many people die to be honest, it scares me shitless at times.

23-11-04, 05:45 PM
lol grass in the middle of the roads.. that's halarious sounds like your driving a boat lol.

saying that it might just be because up north the farmers can't be arsed to cutt the grass, trim the hedges, nor can the council repair the roads.

anyone would think were still in depression !

23-11-04, 05:50 PM
imo id rather drive on the motorway least the roads seem to be in better nick most of the country roads round here have
1 farmers on them
2 truckers on them
3 learner drivers on them

who slow you down
least on the motorway its more than one lane so safe to over take

23-11-04, 05:52 PM
only problem with motorways is i see lots of room ahead so my right foot stays planted to the floor

23-11-04, 08:09 PM
Our "country" roads are basically roads with mud, going through fields lol. They are big enough for two cars,but bugger me they are one reason why I hate having my car lowered (very sickly ride).

I love driving along our "country" roads, as its much more fun than a normal busy road, as you might come across one car as opposed to one every second lol..

23-11-04, 09:28 PM
Our "country" roads are basically roads with mud, going through fields lol. They are big enough for two cars,but bugger me they are one reason why I hate having my car lowered (very sickly ride).

I love driving along our "country" roads, as its much more fun than a normal busy road, as you might come across one car as opposed to one every second lol..

the roads all around kettering and corby are great i love going for a blat, drove 70miles all round the country roads round here and the car got plastered lol

24-11-04, 01:36 PM
Yep country lanes are great.

Come and try the ones down here, they are not really lanes but roads that are wide then thin then wide and have a reasonable surface on them, some great corners and the hedges are more than often trimmed...like a well kept bush.

If you want the rough old roads then just try some of the forestry lanes or 'real' country divided by water and mud.

24-11-04, 07:30 PM
Driving fast down country lanes is probably more dangerous than on the main roads.

The reason is that they are often narrow, windy and poorly (if at all) maintained (IF in disrepair). Yes it makes it more fun to drive them 'fast', and there is less traffic. BUT this is just some of the reasons why it's MORE wrong and dangerous!

The perception of low risk seems is higher, but so is your lack of awareness of 'what's around the next corner' and any actual accident is more likely to be fatal than on a main road.

Imagine a group of kids walking (ramblers or whatever) when some idiot flies around a corner at 90MPH! Neither would have time to react. Or two people with the same idea, hurtling towards each other at double/tripple the speedlimit on lanes not wide enough to safely pass without pulling over in designated lay-bys.

People also place themselves in more danger, because they are more likely to exceed their own and their cars capabilities, and 'stuff it into a wall/tree'.

Almost everyone with a car, who is male, and ESPECIALLY someone who modifies their car, seems to think that they are Schumacher. But the actual reality is that they (most likely YOU reading this) are all closer to being Ayrton Senna. But then anyone reading this will probably nod their head but dismiss the possibility of it applying to them. Everyone seems to think that THEY are 'the worlds greatest driver'.

24-11-04, 07:46 PM
Ah gald to see the well spoken all knowledgable marty is back with some fine addvise..i agree with you,as if you have fisrt had experiance of an accident on this type of road you sure think twice about doing it agian.


24-11-04, 08:08 PM
Lol, Marty is talking sense, but I do love a good country lane hammering! Id like to think i stay within my limits tho....

24-11-04, 09:14 PM
Id like to think i stay within my limits tho....

That's my point.

However, being a male who thinks he is better at driving than anyone else, i too have done 90+MPH down country lanes with haipins too narrow for two cars. Stupid? Yes.

I guess we are all free to do whatever we want, within certain rules and boundaries. Be it legal, moral or whatever. BUT we can also BREAK those rules. But then people who do should take the consequences too.

PS i have not had even a MINOR accident or bump in my 6.5 years of driving. NOT ONE.

OBVIOUSLY now i said that i will write my car off. And very likely kill myself in the process :(

24-11-04, 09:51 PM
i rolled my car in the summer thinking I was schumacer and certainly learned my lesson...however I also learned that when your brakes are fading you should change the brake pads :roll:

I haven't been on a good country road thrashing for a good while...but I take it 'easy' compared to some people I know.

24-11-04, 10:48 PM
Barn wrote:
I haven't been on a good country road thrashing for a good while...but I take it 'easy' compared to some people I know

Have You forgotten about our blast over the top of Llangeinor mountain road and back?

Blasting around country lanes in the dark, is probably the only joy of motoring left, especially after say 10 O'clock. I do it, but only ever use headlights (not mainbeam) so I can see lights coming the other way long before the car is any where near Me.

I do this quite regularly in My rally car and customers cars, they know I do this and quite often ask to be passengers!!

24-11-04, 10:53 PM
Have You forgotten about our blast over the top of Llangeinor mountain road and back?
Nope :twisted:

fair do's, I thought I was a good driver until I jumped in the car with you!

that was one of the best handbrake turns I ever seen in my life. Cant wait to have a blast with the new engine in :twisted: :) :D

25-11-04, 09:09 AM
Driving fast down country lanes is probably more dangerous than on the main roads....

...The perception of low risk seems is higher, but so is your lack of awareness of 'what's around the next corner' and any actual accident is more likely to be fatal than on a main road. (I don't like main roads)

Imagine a group of kids walking (ramblers or whatever) when some idiot flies around a corner at 90MPH! Neither would have time to react. Or two people with the same idea, hurtling towards each other at double/tripple the speedlimit on lanes not wide enough to safely pass without pulling over in designated lay-bys. (hmmmm 3x50mph = 150mph on a lane!)

People also place themselves in more danger, because they are more likely to exceed their own and their cars capabilities, and 'stuff it into a wall/tree'. (yep, finding your boundaries)

Almost everyone with a car, who is male, and ESPECIALLY someone who modifies their car, seems to think that they are Schumacher. But the actual reality is that they (most likely YOU reading this) are all closer to being Ayrton Senna. But then anyone reading this will probably nod their head but dismiss the possibility of it applying to them. Everyone seems to think that THEY are 'the worlds greatest driver'. (I am a shit driver so I don't go on about it)

yes dad

25-11-04, 01:21 PM
Imagine a group of kids walking (ramblers or whatever) when some idiot flies around a corner at 90MPH
if i did come across them i'd be more worried about the fact they were rambling at 3am than me doing about 100

25-11-04, 01:38 PM
if i did come across them i'd be more worried about the fact they were rambling at 3am than me doing about 100
on a serious note tho, my mums ex hit a guy who was pished walkin round a country lane around midnight. he was in his works van, was horrible the next day, the guys hair and blood was on the van :o

25-11-04, 05:42 PM
Marty, U have an excellent point, However...

I alwasy drive to My limit's and Also the car's. I generally Take it easy and Built up the confidence within myself.

Plus, I personally only drive on country lanes at the Dead of the night Thus Minimising the the risks, The only thing I will kill would be myself if the worse did happen.

Anyways on that note, Nobody will ever stop me doing something i love, regardless, and i feel many people including myself should just keep in mind whats been said.

25-11-04, 06:03 PM

get yourself a member of a motor club in your area. they allways do 12 car road rallys. its basically a navigational exercise, so you need a co driver to read the map. its a right laff and ive been doing over 100mph allong some of the twistys, the good thing about it is that its allways late at night so if a car is coming the other way then you see there headlights well before the get to you,

25-11-04, 06:09 PM
...Nobody will ever stop me doing something i love, regardless...

Exactly. I too will carry on masturbating on public transport. Let them shake their heads! bah.

26-11-04, 12:55 AM

get yourself a member of a motor club in your area. they allways do 12 car road rallys. its basically a navigational exercise, so you need a co driver to read the map. its a right laff and ive been doing over 100mph allong some of the twistys, the good thing about it is that its allways late at night so if a car is coming the other way then you see there headlights well before the get to you,

I'm Going to be joining up with Bolton le Moors shortly I think MD, I just need to sort myself out, sell both the golfs along with everything else and Start again.


Oh and Marty... I secretly do that too... :oops:

26-11-04, 01:19 AM
I prefer doing 70-80 down a country road to motorway driving. more of a buz and you feel as tho your going faster because the hedge is only about half a foot away from your passenger door :D 8)