View Full Version : Downdraft/sidedraft carbs?

22-11-04, 12:33 PM
Are the carbs themselves any different being side draft or downdraft or is it just the manifold on them that is different?

22-11-04, 01:00 PM
Downdraught carbs have the chokes stood up and suck in air downwards (eg. peirburg or DCNF), sidedraught carbs have the chokes on their sides and suck in air sideways (eg, DCOE, DHLA). So on a Nova engine, for example, the manifold for a downdraught carb has to have a 90 degree bend.

22-11-04, 01:02 PM
reason i ask is ive seen a rather nice set of 48s on a pinto downdraft manifold but wondered if it was possible to put them on to my sidedraft one i have to get them working.

22-11-04, 05:52 PM
you have some downdraughts!!!!!, i've been looking for some of them for about three years, just they never seem to come up for sale!!!

22-11-04, 05:57 PM
ive not actually got them yet, but like you say they dont come available that often

22-11-04, 06:07 PM
i'll buy 1 of them form you, i only want 1 not a pair, was after 45's buy 48 will do the job a treat


22-11-04, 07:21 PM
reason i ask is ive seen a rather nice set of 48s on a pinto downdraft manifold but wondered if it was possible to put them on to my sidedraft one i have to get them working.

Yoy can't turn downdraught carbs on their sides because the fuel will pour out!! Downdrhaughts only work stood up, and sidedraughts only work sideways.

23-11-04, 10:21 AM
Thanks thats all i wanted to know as ive never even seen a pair of downdraft ones