View Full Version : D0gz_b0llox is a traitor

13-12-01, 10:20 PM
left novaload alliance to join another not even a goodbye!

very disappointed in you.

whats your excuse?

13-12-01, 10:45 PM
I have sent scouser a message.

13-12-01, 10:52 PM
got it, in future if it contains stuff like you told me, email me, cos pimpgods can check ur messages.cheers

13-12-01, 10:54 PM
basically I keep getting my arse kicked everynite and because I tend to play during the day I have no protection. So I have moved to a stronger alliance whilst I build up my thug resources then Im coming back (if you'll let me) I didnt say anything as it happened so quick I logged on and an alliance asked me to join them and I have been really busy today (drove 150 miles to london and back and then snapped my cam belt) which meant I never had chance to tell my plans to you lot. On another good point with the strong clan that Im with for the moment if you lot get any hassle I can get that alliance annighalated.

am I forgiven or will I be the johnny no-friends for eva?

13-12-01, 11:30 PM
what game u guyz playin?? I'm in 29 in los angeles!!

For Sale- 15" TSW Stealths Good tyres offers??
35mm offset.

Taxed,tested and insured.Go chase criminals

14-12-01, 01:08 AM
30 in NY

14-12-01, 08:59 AM
i am in 29 and 30

i aint laughing no more and those stupid little faces can fuck off !


14-12-01, 10:16 AM
im in...

the pub havin a social life! lol
(or am i?!?!?)lol:p


Red mk2 on white GSi 15s

14-12-01, 10:50 AM
but ged i only play through the day it is better than work :p

i aint laughing no more and those stupid little faces can fuck off !


14-12-01, 01:33 PM
I only usually play during work but ive booked december off so Im just gonna play whenever I can. BTW Im not a traitor.

14-12-01, 03:44 PM
he he i got dat im in #29 in NY only jus started a couple of days ago thou!!

14-12-01, 03:59 PM
whats your name danny ?

i aint laughing no more and those stupid little faces can fuck off !


14-12-01, 04:28 PM
dogz u been zerod, icks done you, told him not to said he couldnt resist, now u know novaload rules u attack him we'll all get you hehehehe

14-12-01, 04:56 PM
I cant log onto it. keep getting bad gateway errors?

any body else getting this?

14-12-01, 05:11 PM
lol sorry dogz i thought you were being a traitor

i aint laughing no more and those stupid little faces can fuck off !


14-12-01, 05:21 PM
dont worry I only had a couple of thugs and 0 money there anyway. Thats why I moved to another alliance so I wouldnt get attacked by other people only enemys (or people who thought I was a traitor!!!)

14-12-01, 05:24 PM
BTW Gotendeznuts from the alliance I just joined has attacked ick. this has nothing to do with me. Ive only just got onto pimpwar otherwise I would of protected him (i dont hold a grudge grrrrr!! lol).
Im no longer in that alliance anyway now.

14-12-01, 05:35 PM
i noticed i dont give a fuck if they attack me they wont get fuck all i have all my money saveing pistols and aks which they cant nick and i have my hoe pay out set to 99 so they will not leave and when i need thugs i just sel pistols muhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha !!!!!!!!!

i aint laughing no more and those stupid little faces can fuck off !


14-12-01, 06:05 PM
lol i love this game


14-12-01, 06:35 PM
The F@ckoff aliance want me to join them. (remember the hassle of crack_whore!!!)
Are we still gonna get them cause this good be the perfect setting up ground. I join them, see what there doing and then report back via novaload!!! what do you think guys.