View Full Version : Gandi's Flipflop

13-12-01, 03:15 PM
aarrrgghh! FLU, Im sweating more than a Russian pole volter, my throats as dry as Gandi's flip flop can anyone help wid any good Flu remedy's. Ive a busy weekend ahead awell, help!

Twitchin like a pigs eye!

13-12-01, 03:23 PM
ive got it too. unlucky! Just stay in bed!! :D

13-12-01, 03:29 PM
yes I can mate.....drink plenty of water (not tap water but if its all you have then ok), drink fresh orange juice (not concentrate but again if its all you have)

ok now if you have a temperature (you can tell this by feeling a fever or with a thermometer.) dont wrap up warm its the worst thing you can do...you need to get your temp down not up.Your throat is dry due to dehydration so drink water.. remember this is plain water ..no flavourings. Take paracetamol as described on the packet..this will bring you temp down. If you smoke you should stop for a while or at least cut down.

This will not cure it but it will reduce the time you are ill.

Also mate get plenty of sleep cos this will sort out your immune system.

Hope this helps mate ...good luck

13-12-01, 03:30 PM
I cant m8 im at work and im deteriating fast, im gan out tomorrow night ive go to sort my tailgate tonite and im gan to Blackpool on saturday night, right now my head feels like ive got a mullet or summat (heavy) if this is wat Pat Sharpe feels like then im glad ive not got a mullet! lol! Im starting to talk shit now so im off to collapse sumwhere.

Twitchin like a pigs eye!

13-12-01, 03:33 PM
just carry loads of water with you and take paracetamol to keep your temp down.

13-12-01, 03:46 PM
Doctor Hillary Blondie! lmao


Red mk2 on white GSi 15s

13-12-01, 04:03 PM
Well ive just drunk 2 pints ov wata cos if i drink orange it always gives the squirts, 1st dose ov paracetamol is kickin in a bit but now i feel bloated cos ov the wata! Cheers doctor Blondie, couldnt suggest summat 4 my piles awell could ya, (jokin)

Twitchin like a pigs eye!

13-12-01, 07:46 PM
eat a very very hot curry (chicken is better) this makes you sweat and also clears yer system out (a good dump always makes you feel good :D).

vitamin tablets kinda help too, plus they are good all the time if your diet is crap (which is true for 99% of all students)

"I'm a junky with a monkey"

13-12-01, 11:14 PM
cook yourself a nice chicken breast, but cook it badly, eat it while cooked on the outside but still pinkish in the middle.
Ignore the chewy texture, and shovel it down.
After an hour or so your body will realise whats going on in there and BOOM! Instant detox.
You sweat buckets, and crap like a gudden for a few hours and then all better.
Food poisoning is the best sure fire cure for cold and flu i have ever seen. My mate swears by it, although i am not brave enough to try it for myself yet.
I just go home from work and lay in bed being pathetic for 2-3 days then slob around the house watching daytime tv for another day and then go back to work. Best way really.

Best thing to do if you are really ill is just cancell everything you had planned until you are feeling better.

13-12-01, 11:58 PM
Hot lemon......yum!

Squeeze out a few lemons...about 4 or 5, or as many as you want, add the juice to some water and add loads of sugar, and the all important whiskey :D


14-12-01, 08:51 AM
Food poisioning lol, ive managed to drag myself into work and im gan out 4 a chinky tonite so im gonna get summat hot, gotta be up early tmorrow cutting a hole in back bumper 4 numberpl8 light, Ricky lake just makes me suicidal i hate watching fat americans making dicks out ov them selves just 4 attention, Tell ya summat though vitamins would be good cos i dont eat fruit or veg.

Twitchin like a pigs eye!

14-12-01, 06:15 PM
a blonde lass

they can sort anything
