View Full Version : Need somefeed Back pls.

12-12-01, 04:37 PM
Hi peeps a friend and myself have set up SR OWNERS CLUB, and i would like peeps if they get a spare second to have a look and tell me what they think.

Thanks guys and gals......

12-12-01, 04:48 PM
The address is: www.srownersclub.co.uk

Ben. :)

12-12-01, 04:49 PM
erm, think of wot, u havent given us any info what so ever about it. do we comment on nothing, or everything?
Are you sure u have set it up. Or are you sleep typing (ask micky and ian about that)
:P :P :P :P

12-12-01, 11:25 PM
Well, its not bad as a starting point.
A few things need changing though.
Firstly, it looks pants in 800x600 resolution as half the frames etc are the wrong size for it.
Second, in the mods section you need to add pages in saysing under construction or something as the links are just dead.
Third, brighten it up a bit :D All that black is depressing.
But other than that - very nice.
:D :D

13-12-01, 02:19 AM

i rember u setting this club up at the beguining ov the year!

if i could be arsed to look back through all the posts then i would find it

and your responce from us was the same last time

u havent give any info at all??????????

sleep typing is bad (ian u done it as well??) my dads watched me surf the net @ 5am and i had no idea!


13-12-01, 02:54 PM
firstly if its a club, it's not going to work, cos noone wants an sr for ever, you get bored of an sr ur straight after a gte/gsi or better, they are not the best car really and most people think of them as first cars and will move on and upgrade.

13-12-01, 03:12 PM
how do you know that noone wants an sr forever ian? i'd like to keep the sr but upgrade the engine. Sr's are sweet not as boy racer looking as the gsi. Gsi's are sweet dont get me wrong but there isnt so much diff between the two cars that only gte/gsi clubs should exist.

13-12-01, 06:54 PM
it wasnt what i meant, see u proved it u want a different engine so its not really an sr then.

13-12-01, 11:00 PM
blondie you say that the SR arnt as boy racer looking as the GSi? I think that is completetly opposite. The SR is the boyracer car due to the fact that it is dirt cheap, fast for what it is, cheap insurance, popular amongst young drivers and several other reasons. You wont find many first drivers (young ones) driving GSi's because of the insureance and car cost. The SR is the original bad boy car.

BTW Do I get to be in the club as I have a SRi? Can I be the pimp since I have an extra letter in the model (i)

13-12-01, 11:03 PM
also you 0-60 times are incorrect. There is no way a standard 1.3 SR is faster then a 1.4 SRi. it aint gonna happen

13-12-01, 11:05 PM
also i wouldnt put what security a car has. Car alarms usually give instructions on the best place to put the alarm/brain etc. IF you know what alarm they have you will probably know where it is and maybe how to defeat it.

I like the website though. (im just feeling like being a critic)

14-12-01, 12:18 AM
Naughty naughty.....you've been pinching my brochure scans!!!!! (from novabug)

I might let you off though, since it's a good looking site....would have been nice for you to ask first though...and to put a little acknowledgment of the source.

(I put little imperfections into all my scans which aren't there on the original brochure pics, so I know when one of my scans has been used.....just in case you don't know how I know.)

Ni mind....no big deal I suppose ;)

14-12-01, 12:27 AM
what imperfections are they then rich?
so we can all look for em...

The name is misleading - I am not wise, or wooden.

14-12-01, 12:46 AM
If I must....I'm not really bothered about it, but ok....

an example......look at the large pic of the early Red SR on the Nova History page, and look for the white blob on the front wing.
Then, look at this large scan on novabug: www.novabug.co.uk/OriginalBroshurePage3.jpg
...same white blob....that wasn't on the original brochure pic....it was actually a lump of dirt on my scanner..lol
Also, I purposely left in the binding of the brochure along the fold......on the other pic, he's removed that, which has distorted the pic.

There's also a white blob on the bonnet of the MKII SR, which wasn't on the original brochure pic....a small imperfection that I added to it.

Anyway.....I'm not so bothered about it...just would have been nice to acknowledge the source.

14-12-01, 12:49 AM
i noticed the blob on the front wing, didn't think that looked right.
didn't notice the other one though.
you are right though, the source of the stuff should be acknowledged, even if the original source is the brochure, if you dont scan them yourself, you should mention who did, but nevermind eh.

The name is misleading - I am not wise, or wooden.

14-12-01, 12:56 AM
iye....ni mind.

The blob on the MKII SR bonnet is VERY subtle....just to the right of the badge.
(compare to this scan: www.novabug.co.uk/MKIISRLA2.jpg
There's a few more on that pic too....not added my me, but small bits of muck on my scanner!

14-12-01, 01:01 AM
ere rich - you checked your email?
i cant remember what i said, but i sent you an email about something or other. :-/

The name is misleading - I am not wise, or wooden.

14-12-01, 01:10 AM
oops....yep mate, I have....I'll have a read and mail you back mate ;)

14-12-01, 01:32 AM
yeah probably would be polite to ask first. little bit cheeky stealing pics.

16-12-01, 03:49 PM
anyways richard dale

u took a picture ov my alloy wheel from this site and used it in yours!

ohh yes we all noticed.
