View Full Version : What should i do ?

08-12-01, 03:49 PM
Ok, as sum of u might know i crashed me car but only did minor damage, such as the wing. I got it sorted and my car went in for spraying, the guy who sprayed it is my next door neighbour who i bought the car off in the first place. When i got my car back from the spray shop it looked mint! I got in it to drive it and i sensed something was different, problem was i wasnt sure what. Well the next day i got in my car again and i suddenly realised that i had a different steering wheel on, instead of my old 16v wheel i had an sri steering wheel which looked pants! Well the next day i phoned my neighbour while i was at work, i asked him where my 16v steering wheel was and why it had been taken off. His answer to my questions were "i asked you for my steering wheel back ages ago and i got sick of asking you so i took it off" I was totally shocked at this because he never actually said that and 6 months ago when i bought the car nothing was mentioned about the steering wheel. Anything that he wanted he took off or out of the car such as his head unit, fair enough. I then bought the car as it was and as it stood until the other day. I am well pissed off that he has done this but the problem is how do i get it back ? that might sound like a stupid question but i dont want to upset him coz hes normally ok and a useful person to know. I know i could just go round there and get it back but we would defo fall out. One of the problems is that he has a couple parts which i need for my car and which i need to pay him for so if i fell out with him i wouldnt get my parts, bummer. I also still need to pay him for the spraying that he did but i dont want to do this until the steering wheel thing is resolved but i dont know which approach is the best one. Thats why i need you all to give your opinion, 1/ do i just go round, get it back and upset him but not get the parts and fall out with him? 2/ do i just accept the steering wheel has gone, stay speaking and get my parts and carry on as normal? I am totally stuck for what to do, my dad wants to go round and sort him out so i need to decide in the next couple of days, ive told my dad i want to think about the situation before deciding what to do. So let me know what you think and what you think i should do. Thanks for reading this and sorry it was a bit long but i needed to put all of the facts in, i hope i have anyways. Cheers.

08-12-01, 04:23 PM
Leave the steering wheel with him and carry on talking to him. Keep him sweet so he can carry on helping you.

But dont just drop the matter. Let it lie for a few weeks, then one night get him bak in another way, one that he will never know it was you, but you will know you have done it and can always smile about it. Smash a window or two, let his tyres down (immature but who cares!!!:D) just something to make you smile and to ease it a bit.

08-12-01, 09:08 PM
water pistol and brake fluid is always good B-)

08-12-01, 09:16 PM
Here's what I think you should do:
Go to his door, say "thanks for the spray job....." pay him. Then ask him about the parts you need, take them, and say I'll give you ?x for them. He'll say "yeah ok" and u say "...as long as I get the wheel back as well". If he says no, then don't buy the parts, but then thank him for the spray job. I think you should forget about the head unit.

08-12-01, 09:23 PM
I think you should keep everything kosha also,but if you want the steering wheel that badly,you thought bout offering to buy it back off him>?-he seems a nice kinda chappie anyways

"she may not look much but shes got it where it counts..."

08-12-01, 11:55 PM
cheers guys, i am leaning towards the leaving it way, coz i was going to get a momo & snap off anyways but it wasnt the point, he should have said summit not made aload of shit up. ill think of summit to get him back, or even i dont have to do it, other peeps i know could ;0) theres no way im offering to buy it back off him, i bought it with the car, anyways thanks allot for ya opinions.

09-12-01, 10:54 AM
thats a bit ruff that fredd
smash his windows

Micky@novaload.net :)