View Full Version : We all know that Storey wears a wig!

14-09-00, 09:13 AM
Ian Storey! U think that u know it all don't you? Well u don't. That car that Lee used was phat, and probably a damn site better than yours. Who gives you the right to think that you can take the piss out of that car. u don't even have the testicular fortitude to do so punk!!!!

14-09-00, 09:59 AM
just fuckin do 1 u fucking flyid. Nobody wants to listen to your shit...fuck off somewhere else you snooty bastard...

14-09-00, 12:21 PM
your a wresting fan

nuff said

now piss off...

14-09-00, 09:13 PM
Firstly eeej, i did'nt take the piss, i just questioned a very questionable spec, if i wanted to start slagging it off i could, theres plenty to go on! and my car? you don't even know what car i have, i don't childishly make up the spec of it, and don't hide behind an alias.
and why did'nt lee use his own car? no one would take the piss out of his car, it's his first car.
Secondly, i don't think i know everything, but i obviously know more than the people who made that spec up, maybe you can get carbs on a turbo, but i've never seen any on a 2.0 turbo nova, i'm not that technical so thats why i stayed off the engine spec.
Thirdly, wrestling hahahahahahahaahahaahahahaha
how old are you? are you still in school.
ps thanks sam and ged, you can obviously see through this fool.