View Full Version : Apologies nova buds!

13-09-00, 11:22 PM
Firstly id just like to apologize for any inconvinience or confusions(not that u wouldnt realize)i have caused over the past week or two, goes to show ian has his bloody head screwed on when it comes to novas!! It was just a liitle 'piss' around me and my mates thought would be amusing,and yes iam dreaming...but hey! theres no law to that and iam new to the modifying of cars. Uve got to give the car some credit it does look fuckin awesome!!dont you think??even if it was described at the max power show as girlish,neway i hope i have cleared everything up with use lot and credit goes to all of you who put your hard earned cash into modifying such cars!!!well done!!regards lee manchester.

14-09-00, 08:14 AM
Its not *that* funny thought really...

What do you drive then?

14-09-00, 08:29 AM
Apology accepted, at least you've had the decency to own up, and Sam is right, it wasn't that funny.
And yes i agree, i don't like the kit, i think it is bloody awful, looks like they ramraided motorworld, and as for the colour?.........
Oh and come on what car do you have ...honestly!

14-09-00, 09:04 AM
iam 17 from manchester just passed my test a week ago and i have a 1.0l black nova,however it resembles an sr with the rear spoiler and colour coded ront and rear bumpers,mountney steering wheel but i would like to get my hands on a set of sr 3 spoke alloys with tyres ..if ne one could help me out,
regards lee

14-09-00, 09:05 AM
Ian Storey! U think that u know it all don't you? Well u don't. That car that Lee used was phat, and probably a damn site better than yours. Who gives you the right to think that you can take the piss out of that car. u don't even have the testicular fortitude to do so punk!!!!

14-09-00, 06:51 PM
While your all slagging off this car. Just think it's a bird who owns it and although she may have no taste she may also be good looking and listening in.