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01-11-04, 03:30 AM
tonight i went to the casino and won ?200, got home at 3am, parents in bed asleep.

So left ?25 for my dad on top of his car keys with a note saying, '

buy yourself a pub lunch'
And ?60 on my mums purse with a note saying
'here's ?50 for phone bill and ?10 to get yourself dinner'

Dred to think what they are going to say tomorrow, they dont know i go to the casino and mum would kill me if she knew! What excuses can i say :P

ah well, its all good!

01-11-04, 08:41 AM
tut tut neil *shakes head*, even tho you have won this time you may not next time and then you will go on a downer. unless you really know what your doing then keep going but its only a matter of time before you luck runs out :|

As for the excuses, you won ?200 on the lotto?

01-11-04, 09:17 AM
?25 for a pub lunch?!?! feck i thought it was cheap oop norf.

gamblor has you ;)

Will F
01-11-04, 09:47 AM
Winning is worse than losing!

You will learn! Hopefully not the hard way.

01-11-04, 12:28 PM

01-11-04, 12:40 PM

Indeed you are OWNED.

I am 100% sure you are down still from going there

01-11-04, 02:47 PM
nice gesture, but you addicted!!! :lol: :lol:

01-11-04, 04:46 PM
Put it on RED!

01-11-04, 04:52 PM
The money you won buy a new screw driver lol

01-11-04, 05:06 PM
i think you should sit your mum and dad down and say

"mum dad"
"my name is neil and i have a gambling problem"

:lol: :lol:

01-11-04, 05:08 PM
1st step is admiting it

01-11-04, 05:09 PM
i think you should sit your mum and dad down and say

"mum dad"
"my name is neil and i have a gambling problem"
" a paedophilia problem"
" a shinee wheel problem"
" a car crashing problem"
" a writing bullshit posts problem"

:lol: :lol:

Epo thats harsh :!: :!: :!:

(it will be a long chat so tell them to getsome cushions!)

01-11-04, 05:35 PM
i think you should sit your mum and dad down and say

"mum dad"
"my name is neil and i have a gambling problem"
" a paedophilia problem"
" a shinee wheel problem"
" a car crashing problem"
" a writing s**t posts problem"

:lol: :lol:

Epo thats harsh :!: :!: :!:

(it will be a long chat so tell them to getsome cushions!)

if he tells them all that tho he'll get no pocket money, desert or tv for a month there fore have to result to more gambling :lol: :lol:

01-11-04, 07:06 PM
put it towards a new shell, or chuck it all on black, not red.

01-11-04, 07:10 PM
black go for black and tell em you got a tax rebate

01-11-04, 07:11 PM
Put it on green.

01-11-04, 07:18 PM
^^ yes. you win loads more. The odds depend on whether it is an american or UK table. (1 or 2 greens)

01-11-04, 10:26 PM
doing the unexpected....

you mean buying or saving for a new shell?



01-11-04, 10:30 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

01-11-04, 11:59 PM
stop being a bunch of wankers!

i think you are being so good on not wasteing your cash on yourself.

well done on apprechiateing your parents.

still say put any money you win to the side, it beats spending thecash on drink.

02-11-04, 12:57 AM
Cheers sean, gonna try n save it.

Mum and dad appreaciated it :)

so im happy.

02-11-04, 07:57 PM
why would you need an excuse to give them money?? if my kid left me money while i was asleep i wouldnt bother looking for a reason!

02-11-04, 08:09 PM
lol if my son left me money id think he got it from breaking into cars :lol: :lol: :lol:

02-11-04, 08:32 PM
if he did epo then you would know youve taught him well lol

02-11-04, 09:15 PM
yes the force is strong in that one :lol:

02-11-04, 09:54 PM
unless he's busy being sick, that is epo.

02-11-04, 11:05 PM
The money you won buy a new screw driver lol

lol denny your a harsh,but it's funny..

Well well done mate for winning and doing something good with it,but i do think you have to watch your self as it sounds like your hooked,and if you get passt the point of no return then you done for mate....just make sure to keep it under control neil...


02-11-04, 11:14 PM
i do agree with scott on that score neil.

you should only go once a week and save your pocket money :lol:

03-11-04, 03:25 AM
Kinda been spending it already....

Two 10" and two 8".....


And saw this in halfords car park today, took it for phill....


03-11-04, 10:10 AM
oh dear... :roll:

03-11-04, 11:26 AM
is there going to be a super casino in sheffield?

your OWNED then lol

bit of a flutter every now and then, on the nags etc is a laugh and can make you think about making a career out of it when you get lucky and hit a good one. but then reality calls back to suggest that its not the safest way to "make money"

03-11-04, 02:40 PM
unless he's busy being sick, that is epo.

the little git monged up all over the cushons and me setee

03-11-04, 03:10 PM
The problem with gambling over more conventional commerce ventures is that any previous profits need to be risked in order to progress. You may make ?200 one week in pure profit but that money will need to go back down on the table to go further; if this doesn't work out then then hours put in now have not only been lost but the hours to get the ?200.

03-11-04, 10:15 PM
i think they are trying to build 3 super casino's in sheffeild.

04-11-04, 10:39 AM
lol! they both look chav!


04-11-04, 12:16 PM
i think they are trying to build 3 super casino's in sheffeild.

had they heard about neil hence the plan?

05-11-04, 01:31 AM
Whats OWNED?

05-11-04, 01:42 AM
lol! they both look chav!

http://www.stuffing.freeserve.co.uk/sax1.jpg lmao see that is a prime example of what phil hates!!

and you are owned neil!! in other words you know you cant resist your visits to the casino they own you :twisted: :twisted:

05-11-04, 01:52 AM
that saxos awful :o