View Full Version : Ford Probe crash

24-11-01, 01:34 AM
On the way home tonight (00:15) I saw half a Ford Probe sticking out of a bush at a notorious accident black spot in my local area. Me being a kind person I stopped to help the 3 guy's and see what I could do. Police arrived after about 40 minutes and took details etc. None of the 3 guys were injured but the front end of the car looked fucked. Another Ford Probe off the road.
What pissed me of was the amount of people that drove by almost stopping on a 60mph road was amazing but not one of them bothered to ring the police or assist. None of the 3 guys in the car had a mobile phone that could make calls (flat battery) so if I had not stopped they may still be there now. The police were only informed when the owner of the car rang the AA for removal from the ditch. That's my good deed done for the day. I am now going to go and help some old ladies cross the road. :D

24-11-01, 05:17 PM

dont help them across the road, chuck em in the boot and stick em in the chat room with pag :D

Micky@novaload.net :)