View Full Version : is there anything i can do to a 1litre engine

23-10-04, 11:13 PM
hi, if done the basics to my, ie straight system exhaust, k&n etc. i'm doing a motorsport engineering degree, and was hoping just to drop a 1.4sr engine in. but, due to an accident earlier this year, i would b unable to afford the premiums. so, i am looking to see what i can do to the head or camshaft or inlet and exhuast manifold, to improve the little engine until the time comes that i am able to upgrade...

help welcome, please pm me!


24-10-04, 12:46 AM
i personaly woudn't spend money on a 1L ( my first nova was a 1L)

all i did with mine was a straight through pipe with BB4 back box, lowerd 60mm and some alloys. left the engine alone coz its "dead money" save up mate and get a 1.4sr not SRi as you are restricted with what you can do with them, with the 1.4 SR there is an unbelivable ammount of work that can be done to the engine :wink:


24-10-04, 02:05 AM
adjust the tappets on it!! might make it go awee bit faster.


24-10-04, 11:05 AM
If you want to increase the performance of your car, strip everything out of it. The less weight, the better the power-weight ratio.

If this isnt practical, then just leave it as it is until you can afford a bigger engine.

Besides, any engine mods should be declared to the Insurance company...you were going to tell the insurance company, wern't you?


24-10-04, 06:23 PM
Just drop the 14 sr engine in and dont bother tellin no1, couple of reasons for this.

(a) insurance is a total rip off anyway
(b) How many ppl can tell the difference between a 1.0 and a 1.4??
(c) If stopped by the TLF just refuse to open bonnet or better still keep a pair of snips and then cut the bonnet pop cable and tell em it snapped

All of the above are tried and tested. I know ppl with redtops in, insured as standard.

24-10-04, 06:26 PM
not a good idea not telling insurance. If u hit someone they can sue for thousands besides it invalidating ur policy.

24-10-04, 06:48 PM
but if you refuse to open your bonnet it shows are are hidin something..

24-10-04, 07:07 PM
Ok i appreciate that alot of ppl totally disagree with what i said but there are certain precautions to be taken if you dont tell the Ins.

Dont drive like a twat and kill any1, cos if you do then you deserve what you get.

Cant get no fairer than that can I.

Any way odds are copper only ask u to pop hood if he sees a nova waste past him at a stupid speed, then he will wounder how it went so fast. But i mean a copper wont notice difference between a 1.0 and a 14sr performance. And i doubt would even recognise what model the nova is or have any idea what engine should be in it.


24-10-04, 07:30 PM
i had my car checked by insurance company when someone ran into me, it had 1.4 in not a 1.2. They dont know what they are looking for anyway, neither do the police. But with a 1lt there is a big difference between that an a 1.4, the extra cylinder is a big give away even a monkey could tell the difference. The engines are very different.

24-10-04, 09:33 PM
Just drop the 14 sr engine in and dont bother tellin no1, couple of reasons for this.

(a) insurance is a total rip off anyway
(b) How many ppl can tell the difference between a 1.0 and a 1.4??
(c) If stopped by the TLF just refuse to open bonnet or better still keep a pair of snips and then cut the bonnet pop cable and tell em it snapped

All of the above are tried and tested. I know ppl with redtops in, insured as standard.

Its ideas like this and people like the ones you know that bump the rest of our premiums up. Insurance is expensive because kids who have only just passed their test are sticking bigger engines in their cars and not telling the Insurance companies and then end up crashing because they cant handle the car.

IDIOTS!!!! :x :x :x


24-10-04, 10:23 PM
to be fare its not the people that dont insure mods that bump the insurance for others up. this is a common thing that is falsely stated,
the thing that bumps the insurance up is the people who dont get insured at all that do it, did you know that a percentage of everones premiums goes into a account that is drawn apon to pay the damages that uninsured drivers cause, (this includes joy riders who steel our cars) it is acctually much cheaper not to get insured at all as if you get caught they will take you to court, means test you and give you a small fine and thats it, :o makes you wonder why any of us bother.

so people who call others idiots for not insuring all there mods need to get there facts right before inulting people. :|

24-10-04, 10:34 PM
agree with u there m.d

24-10-04, 10:37 PM
clawsk your a cock

25-10-04, 08:33 AM
i had my car checked by insurance company when someone ran into me, it had 1.4 in not a 1.2. They dont know what they are looking for anyway, neither do the police. But with a 1lt there is a big difference between that an a 1.4, the extra cylinder is a big give away even a monkey could tell the difference. The engines are very different.

thought only the "new" 1litres were 3cylinder lol

umm cheap(ish) way to get more power with that lump, three letters


and you can transfer it to other engines later on.

ps are you at hertfordshire uni dont Msport?

25-10-04, 10:47 AM
burgo90 Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 10:37 pm Post subject:


clawsk your a c**k

:lol: get a life la.

I have two insurance premiums and know just what its like to pay stupid money and i aint just passed my test.

25-10-04, 11:54 AM
getting back to the topic......

so, i am looking to see what i can do to the head or camshaft or inlet and exhuast manifold, to improve the little engine until the time comes that i am able to upgrade...

i thought that the 1.0liter engines were pushrod engines and didnt have a camshaft. i think its the new corsa 1.0l 12v that only has 3cyclinders, the nova 1.0 had 4. not too sure if anything i say'd is correct tho lol

25-10-04, 11:58 AM
it will have a cam, otherwise its a magica 2 stroke engine.

you can try to port the head a bit, but it may be fruitless unless youve got a flow bench at uni to test the results on.

but a bang for buck mod will be nos, as i said you can move it to other engins at a later date etc. blah blah

25-10-04, 12:57 PM
im pretty sure the nova 1lt where 3 cylinders although you might be right an i might be thinking of the corsas

Matt Nova
25-10-04, 01:09 PM
pushrod engine no cambelt ze mighty 1.0l

but back to topic mate i'd just either wait till you're older till its cheaper (mine drops ?300 next month when i'm 19)

or if you desperately need a faster car get insured under a parents name or something alot better than invalidating your insurance mate

25-10-04, 09:29 PM
the mk2 1l has 4 cylinders, well mine does anyway. its not worth the hassle to not insure your mods. whatt happens if you need to claim off the insurance and they refuse to pay out coz the car is not the same as the one they have on paper? you are left high and dry and probably broke as well

25-10-04, 09:52 PM
ALL the old OHV 1.0l engines were 4 cyl. they are still very different engines to look at. Tuning wise you could get a cam regrind, lighten and balance the crank and see about fitting a different carb, though I doubt you'd find much better as it comes with a Weber as standard.

26-10-04, 03:55 PM
im doing motorsport at herts uni! first year and its great stuff. anyways. rebuild it and fit newer parts where old ones are badly worn (ie cam shaft tappets etc) to get the engine up to original "power" (if it be called that). other than that you could try your own headwork for a laugh. dremel multi. get an old head from a scrappy have a play and try it on.
and you get some experience that way!!!!