View Full Version : gggrrrrrr chug chuggg

22-10-04, 03:54 PM
i get a strange noise from the front of my 1.2 merit when i turn to the left

anyone got any idea what it might be?

22-10-04, 03:56 PM
what sort of noise? I might be wheel bearing, cv joint, something not done up tight

22-10-04, 03:57 PM
like a grinding licking noise. it only does it when its turned to the left a long way

will it be expensive? this is the first real problem i've had with the car

22-10-04, 05:38 PM
Sounds like a cv joint,as a wheel bearing is a low weering/drone type noise,but i carnt see why it would do it when in a turned position,as that would normaly be a bush or something?


22-10-04, 08:20 PM
wheel bearings tend to make more noise when you turn if they are knackered

22-10-04, 08:59 PM
are u sure ur CV joint gaitor hasnt split on the passenger side.

Gaitor splits, leaks oil, no lubrication = lots of friction and bad noises! :|

22-10-04, 09:55 PM
Had a similar prob in mine!! As i turned to the right it was creating a clicking/grinding sound! Turned out to be drivers side C.V joint fucked!! As you go right, engine and box wanna move left, pulling shaft with it and fucking the c.v at the same time, check your engine mounts too! Mine was caused by fucked mounts allowing engine to move excessively!