View Full Version : NE Cruise

18-11-01, 02:18 AM
well it was a top night,

the b&q wasnt shut down (lmao @ dicko) although it was gridlocked pretty soon.

once we all got into the bigets convoy ever we ended up in sum sleepy costal town and started to shake the place down.

the huge pblic car park was coverd in sand so an area was kept for the nutters to play on (very nice mr2 doing perfect powerslides/ donuts)(shite looking bmw with the drive dohnuting while climbing out ov the car??)(and the wanker in the megane who was intent on smashing into summit, although he didnt)

the coppers arived and left everybody to it all nite till we got past 11pm and moved in to stop thefun and games.
NOTE--the chips from that town were fucking disgusting (sumwhere in hartlepool i think)(no wonder they all talk funny)

we moved on to teeside park wich was soon filled up with everybody having a laff, i saw a very nice jap style mazda i raced all the way home from max live to newcastle and went over to talk to the owner, convo went like this

ME "hello mate did u goto max live?"
HIM "yeah mate why?
ME "wayhay i raced you all the way home in me nova"
HIM "that nova is quite fast, it goes really well"
ME "what size is that mate?"
HIM "1.8 why whats the nova?"
ME "it was a 1.4 mate with a cam and filter, i had twin 40`s but they wernt fitted at that point"
HIM "ohh shit?? a 1.4??? fuck"

was very funny, then asked him if he fancied taking on me td vectra and he bottled.

got bored about 12:30 and started to set off for home, raced all me mates all the way home, kevs astra bye bye, that specy kids xr2 bye bye, scottys nova bye bye, karls corsa ermm.... arse its faster than mine but it was a good laff undertaking cars at 115mph so i could get a good headstart over him (his bird would go ballistic if he ever did that so i was safe).

till the next one

adios amigos

Micky@novaload.net :)

18-11-01, 02:51 AM
I was there mate!!!!!!!! the 'nutter area' was mad as fuck and the drifty MR2 was an absolute treat to watch. Was impressed with 2 birds in a 106 rallye pulling off some top moves in there as well.
i was in me Nova SR, parked with the majority of everyone else. came with a red Ford Ka with K9 kit and a hefty dollop of ice and a peppermint green corsa van as well.

In the convoy on the way to the retail park some fuckers went too slow and broke it all up, leading to a mad +110 chase up the motorway with some dudes which was a bit of a laugh.
managed the retail park to lancaster (west coast) in 1hr 50minutes

must....keep.....eyes....open.......must.......kee p.......foot.......down.......

top night and max marks to BMW and MR2 blokes and no marks to the police, espesh when someone lobbed a sand ball at them and then the squeelers started looking at ME funny.

B-) Streakers beware: Your end is in sight B-)

18-11-01, 11:04 AM
mate i saw the van
i saw the ka
and i saw loads ov novas (inc a very nice blue one with cage and chequerplate everywhere)

which one was your nova, the white one with the gtb front bumper?

Micky@novaload.net :)

18-11-01, 03:30 PM
errmmm nearly stock white SR with a few rusty bits and ermmm LXi alloys, mongoose zorst.

its got a rev counter!

when everyone moved to teeside after the beach i didnt get into my car for quite a bit so it was just parked on its own about haldway between the exit and the nutter area.
i probably saw you without realising at teeside coz u say u left at 12:30, well us lot left at 12:40 and we were stood out near the exit of the car park chatting and checking cars out. is yer vectra green?

B-) Streakers beware: Your end is in sight B-)

18-11-01, 06:51 PM
nahh its white, there was another white diesel veccy at b&q but it was shite with only a set ov wheels.

Micky@novaload.net :)

18-11-01, 10:04 PM
wot about that cruise north west bird micky?? lol

19-11-01, 10:15 PM
It was a top cruise, not enough room in B&Q though!! The MR2 was mental,it was a wonder nobody crashed in the sand arena though. Looking forward to the next one :)

20-11-01, 07:02 PM

say nothing mate

i do not know what your on about

Micky@novaload.net :)