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18-10-04, 02:47 PM
just cancelled my dam 2.0 16v policy!!

letter on way to the insurance ombudsman

Al Wilson
18-10-04, 02:58 PM

18-10-04, 03:05 PM
had hassle sorting the new car policy, wouldn't insure me on 1.6i.... i said my other car is the same spec even same colour and has a bigger engine in... what the problem

guy goes to underwriter

comes back

just let me check the details on the other car

me "2.0 16v"

guy "we don't have a recored of an engine conversion"

me "laughs, check your recorded convos from march 2001"

guy "we don't keep them that long... gonna have to cancel it, is it parked on the road"

me "no"

guy "well it's canceled as of now"

Al Wilson
18-10-04, 03:07 PM
Ring around. There's a few places I'm sure that will want your business.

18-10-04, 03:10 PM
Ring around. There's a few places I'm sure that will want your business.

they have insured the 1.6i.... extra ?15... but where has the 6 months of 2.0 16v pol ??? gone!!

Al Wilson
18-10-04, 03:15 PM
Insurance companies will try anything so they ultimately don't have to pay out in the end. I made sure they sent out printed documentation of the records of mods and changes done to mine.

18-10-04, 03:22 PM
this once again proves how useless LV are

ill put money on the fact your car was never insured as a 2,0 16v with them

well not for the last few yrs


18-10-04, 04:48 PM
ive just got a qoute of them for 1127 fulley comp and ive just passed are they any good or should i stay away from them?

Adam Moran
18-10-04, 05:16 PM
Same thing happended to me!

I wanted to renew my policy with LV so i rang up and asked them to check it was down as a 1.6 and not a 1.2i as it didnt say on my papers they sent me it just said "engine/carb modifactions" and they say to me youve not been insured :o :o :o i was on the floor by this point!

I would'nt use them again. I use Adrian Flux now, hell of a form to fill in about you mods but its worth it because there cheap :wink:


18-10-04, 05:56 PM
I also use flux,have done sice i was 19,im now 24.they have been grate and have never refused my mods to my car,i was dreding what the renewal would be once i had the valver fitted,but i was shocked when they said it was only ?169 more then when it was a 1.6 8v,i informed them i had uprated suspension and 2ltr brakes and c20ex in and i was waiting for them to say thats another ?400 or something,so im happy with my policy from them.


18-10-04, 10:43 PM
they cant do that m8!

They need to issue you with a 7 day cancellation notice to allow you sufficient time to change to another insurer.

They are in breach of their terms and conditions and you can take them to the cleaners

I'd call them back and demand to speak to manager or Colin Smith (who I believe is one of their underwriters lol)

And if you have old policies then theyre shagged without written notice of cancellation.

18-10-04, 11:05 PM
That is exactly what happened to me!

Almost to the word!!!

Wouldnt ever deal with them again!

18-10-04, 11:08 PM
I agree with Will, I used to think they were gods gift when they were insuring me ragging about in 6th form, but on policy renewal I gave the guy a long grilling about how exactly the policy operated and how they operate to find out what the situ was for myself - needless to say I renewed elsewhere.

19-10-04, 08:23 AM
I'm sure Colin Smith won't tell any lies :-0

People have been posting on here for ages that LV just take the money and run. The cheapest is NEVER the best in my experience, be it insurance, tyres, clothes, bread or anything!

Just lucky u didn't have a smash, Ste. There would have been some powerful evidence for litigation, but ultimately insurers always seem to sting the little guy!!!!

I would DEFINITELY complain though!

20-10-04, 08:02 PM
as sum of u on here mite remember, they stung me good and propa. saying theyd give me an agreed valuation when/if my motors a write off!!

b*llox did they, turned round an said theyve never ever done stuff like that when i told em my SR got nicked!! complete bunch of w*nkers! :evil: :evil:

20-10-04, 09:55 PM
my insurance runs out end of monthe with them. After having a look at the policy closely it says they do not insure cars with any modifications at all.

So f**k them. I'm with HIC now as of end of this month with all mods declared and they did me a cheaper quote. ?600.

I'm never going back to LV. I got peace of mind with HIC knowing they arn't a bunch of rednecks.

20-10-04, 10:01 PM
yep it says on their website that they "Do-Not insure modified cars"

i think they will just screw u up the ass when you stack your modded car, by telling you that you should have read the terms and conditions

Also, when getting a qoute, i TRIED to declare my mods, n the guy just said

"look were not interested, just keep recpeipts and photo's, if you go putting a turbo on come and tell us"

Hmm im sure he would have forgotten about my declaration if i'd have bought the policy