View Full Version : 1400 Top End on a 1600 Bottom end

13-10-04, 06:35 PM
Ok this is the scenario:

I have got a F13 and a GSi Lump going into my car soon, which will be running my t40's and my cam.

I can't get insured on the GSi engine until im 18.

I have buggered my gearbox (F10) on my 1400.

However, I can get insured on a 1600 bottom end with my 1400 head etc now.

I want to put the 1600 bottom end with the f13 in my car now, running my 1400 head.

Then when i can get insured on the 1600 head (petty insurance companies. lol) I will get the manifold for the carbs and put them on the head and onto my engine.

I'm not bothered if its going to make it faster etc for now, I just need my car.

So my question is:

Will it fit ok?

What headgasket should I use?



13-10-04, 07:11 PM
it will fit

but you will lose loads of power due to small valves

1.6 head gasket

13-10-04, 08:17 PM
Will it be as quick as 1.4 now or slower?

Not really too fussed, but would be nice if it was still quite econmonical as it is now.


13-10-04, 09:58 PM
u gonna use the 1.4 carb i take it aswell?

if you get bigger jets you'll be seeing about 82ish bhp i reckon.

14-10-04, 09:45 AM
just change the box

14-10-04, 03:52 PM
that makes no sense to me at all.... the 1600 bottom end is the engine block with the engine number on it so they are insuring you on a 1600 engine what the hell has the head got to do with it!!?

your still only 17 isnt the 1400 T40 engine quick enough?! lol

14-10-04, 10:57 PM
whats the point of changing the head? You'll be faster with the 1400 T40s engine than 1600 with 1400 head with or without the 40s

14-10-04, 11:45 PM
You'll be faster with the 1400 T40s engine than 1600 with 1400 head with or without the 40s

Why? Not being sarcastic. Just curious. Why would it be faster?

By the way Lashednova, do you realise there is a guide on heads at the top of the technical page?

15-10-04, 12:38 AM
As cambridge said you will lose loads of power due to small valves on the 1400 head on 1600 bottom, would'nt think you would gain any compression on 1400 head or barely noticable. Plus losing a little power turning a bigger 1600 bottom end like crank and so forth, was'nt the 1600 flywheel bigger than the carb 1400, so you basically losing any power gained. As the cyc head FAQ says, you'd be best with keeping the 1400 and using the 1200 head. Or converting the 1600 to T40s with orignal head.

20-10-04, 04:58 PM
I was opnly thinking about doing it because i didnt want to splash out on another f10 which will only be with me for a month or so.

I have a 1600 lump already, just need the inlet for the t40's.

I have got another f10 now, so hopefully all be back on road tomorrow.

And Will, the 1400 is boring me now. lol :lol:

20-10-04, 05:10 PM
1400 on carbs will be as quick as a gte/gsi.