View Full Version : mpg on an 20xe

01-10-04, 07:48 PM
as above roughly on a standard 2.0xe nova how good is the petrol i.e how far on a fiver


01-10-04, 11:33 PM
I have been known to do as little as 40miles to a tenner, but also I have done 85miles to a tenner. All depends how you drive it, any car will drink juice if you screw it. I didnt notice much difference between GSi engine and XE when driving reasonably steady.


02-10-04, 12:51 AM
well at the moment im getting about 50miles a tenner in mine

02-10-04, 12:56 AM
Depends how you drive it really !!
If you think about it though, you've got a big engine pulling a small car so it doesn't have to work as hard to get it moving !?
My 16v GSi used to do about 280 miles to a tank - just general driving !
If your gonna kick its ares every where then your probly looking about 170 - 190 to a tank !!


02-10-04, 12:58 AM
well 50 miles to a tenner was for driving slow to work an uni, when i nail it it it only lasts minutes :lol:

02-10-04, 10:04 AM
56mph @ 56mph

they use no fuel at all if u can run on only the first 'choke' and in a stripped nova with f20 thats about 70mph

02-10-04, 04:51 PM
bloody hell lads these figures are pretty low. i was gettin a good 30 mpg on the LET nova. full interior etc. running standard boost levels that was. the fuel consumption should be excellent as these engines are labouring at all pullin a wee nova along


04-10-04, 06:08 PM
50 miles to a tenner driving slow,surely theres something wrong with your engine?
I get 80-90 miles on a tenner of optimax.even if leathered everywhere it would do more than 50 miles!

05-10-04, 09:41 PM
30 mpg was roughlt about 90 miles to a tenner if i worked it out correclty. ive seen 100 miles to a tenner aswell on it.

and it was running well to, beating all sorts
