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View Full Version : Speeding ticket

27-09-04, 09:46 PM
I've only had my licence 18months and i just got a speeding fine through the post. 42 in a 30!! i weren't even going that f**king fast!!!

any way that means i lose my licence right?

i then have to aply for a new licence and do my test again.

couple of questions though:

do the 6 points carry onto my new licence?
when i apply for insurance they ask how long licence held, do i have to say 0 years?

cheers, tim

27-09-04, 09:49 PM
Your driving license has an issue date on it, so you've held your licence for the time since that date - if you do have to get your license again look at the issue date and that's when it started.

Are you sure you're being issued with six points? I was clocked doing 58 in a 40 limit and only got 3 points, but i was fined ?120 also.

Have you had the penalty confirmed as six points? Or have you had points before?

Also, if they clock you at 42mph, its most likely their data is correct and your speedo is wrong.

27-09-04, 09:58 PM
unlucky mate - if that is your second offence and you get 6 points you will lose your licence.

It also means you have to do the theory/hazard percepton tests again as well.

Also, i reckon when applying for insurance again, you may have to say that you did have a full licence but lost it, rather than say that you have held a licence for 0 years.

28-09-04, 01:30 PM
i got caught doing 97 about 5 months after i passed an only got 3 points for, i doubt you'll lose you licence unless they are being arse holes

28-09-04, 01:56 PM
if only my car could do 97 :roll: :D

28-09-04, 02:05 PM
they may do some scheme where u don't get points if you pay to go on a Driving safety course, they are doing that alot round my area. And especially seeing at you were doing 42 in a 30, it's not toooo bad.

Ask them if there is anything like that that they can do instead of points. It may cost u like ?200 for a course. but i'd say it's worth it.

And to be honest, why were u speeding !? it's silly and pointless !

28-09-04, 02:34 PM
if only my car could do 97
it was only a 1.2i at the time, down a very very big hill though :lol:

28-09-04, 05:16 PM
acording to his sig its his 2nd fine + points witin the magic 2 years

28-09-04, 05:49 PM
In that case, he should have learned his lesson after the first time!

28-09-04, 06:03 PM
i got done doing 48 in 30 alls i got was ?60 fine three points and a gob full off r lass