View Full Version : 4 more to go

26-09-04, 07:23 PM
Well after months and months of waiting the end is in sight.

I will be redundant on Friday 1st October 2004... and since i am working Sun - Thu this week after 10pm tonight I only have 4 more shifts at work... thats a mere 28 hours until I am unemployed :D

Had a couple of interviews for a new job, and should find out tomorrow if i have made the final cut for that one... fingers crossed i'll get it coz i wanna start work again ASAP!!

If I dont get this one, i'll have to sign up with every agency in the area i think.

26-09-04, 07:24 PM
good luck with it mate

id love to be unemployed for a while but need the money

26-09-04, 07:33 PM
well with my redundancy money, i can, technically afford to be out of work for about 7 months if i dont spend any more money than i have to.

But dont wanna do that, coz it'll waste the money.

26-09-04, 07:37 PM
id so wanna take a month of

sitting around the house watching trisha ect then going back too bed :lol:

26-09-04, 07:40 PM
I've done that for two months though working shitty 3pm starts... watch rubbish all morning and then go to work. Daytime TV is boring 99.99999% of the time.

I'd rather go and earn some money

26-09-04, 07:53 PM
I've been made redundant a few times over the last 4 years, each time I generally take at least a month or 2 off work and then go back to work again. It's like having huge extended holidays each year! lol

26-09-04, 07:58 PM
I'd rather spend the money on something more useful!

26-09-04, 10:10 PM
I'm going through this at the minute. I was made redundant as ou know last month. I've not found anything to replace it, but I've been doing Agency work where I can. It isn't paying enough really and is eating into what little redundancy I got. You think similar to me Andy, I'd rather be in work than sat at home. Signing up to Agencies isn't all that bad, but I've found I've had to chase them more than they've chased me.

Good luck Andy, I know exactly what you're going through.


27-09-04, 04:49 PM
We've been doing some SERIOUS calculations as to what our outgoings are etc and we're in a pretty good position and i dont really need to earn very much at all for us to get by if we're tight with the money etc.

Means i could even get a part time job and look for something that i actually want to do.

I'm just waiting to hear if i get to the next round of interviews on a really good web design/e-commerce type job... the pay is similar to what i'm on now and it'd be something i would enjoy a lot more.... but there was loads of interest in it, so i am not getting too excited even though the last interview went quite well.

Only a little over 26 hours at work left :D