View Full Version : Bloody Brakes

Matt Nova
24-09-04, 11:36 AM
Me and a couple of mates were dismantling my caliper yesterday and the bolt that goes through it (the slide I think its called) snapped inside the caliper bracket :cry: now i've been told I need a new caliper any idea on how mcuh to pay for one its drivers side btw

General Baxter
24-09-04, 11:41 AM
ebay mate ;)
or a scrap yard

dont go to vauxhall as there shite!

24-09-04, 11:45 AM
ummm precisely which bolt snapped?

which calipers are they, are the pads held in with pins or just by the caliper

Matt Nova
24-09-04, 11:54 AM
1.2i brakes mate, erm they have a 7mm allen head does that help?

24-09-04, 12:06 PM
you can try to use an easy out to remove the snapped bolt (or carefully weld a new bolt to it and try to undo it


go to a scrappy and get a new caliper carrier and bolt

24-09-04, 12:16 PM
hmmmm the perfect oppurtunity to get bigger discs and calipers.

Matt Nova
24-09-04, 12:34 PM
hmmmm the perfect oppurtunity to get bigger discs and calipers.

i was gunna but now i'm pretty skint after my car playing up. But ?10 from a scrappie and ?50 new hmmm which shall i choose

24-09-04, 01:06 PM
well if you thinkin 50 quid new get some ATE setups from a scrappie

Matt Nova
24-09-04, 05:26 PM
i've ordered the new brakes I know its crap but I need it back on the road first.

Daft thing is I was only swapping the pads with reasonably cheap ones to save money towards 2.0l ones :roll: