View Full Version : anyone know Pan@SW-CC?

22-09-04, 10:48 AM
hes not contacting me, paid money for a tow eye cover and not recieved after open promises, said he was going to billy?

never had to go this far and put a post up for anyone, but im conserned and need the cover to finish a bumper!! :?

22-09-04, 10:54 AM
go on the SW-CC site and make it known there

22-09-04, 12:33 PM
everyone ive ever known deal with Pan have alsways been happy with stuff etc, i would imagine this is a genuine mistake.

22-09-04, 04:46 PM
met Pan a few times...bought my wheels, headlights etc off him and he is a sound bloke...

his email addy is pan@sw-cc.com so drop him an email mate

22-09-04, 10:54 PM
there probably is a genuine reason for the delay just it would help for some sort of contact to be made on his part.I always do my best when problems arise in transactions to keep good communication going

22-09-04, 11:22 PM
Oi mate i will contact him for you if you want,

And pan is a mate off mine i would appreciate if you wouldnt come here and say stuff without his side off the story :evil:

23-09-04, 02:07 PM
nova_gteuk...the guy has paid for something and has not received it...he has (as stated) not heard from Pan either...I know for a fact I would try my best to get it sorted out, whether thats posting on a forum then so be it.

personally having spoken to Pan I know he is a sound guy and this is probably a genuine mistake.

so we would appreciate it if you lessened the attitude and said something abit more 'thought-out' as novashed obviously cannot put Pan's 'side of the story' up as he cant get hold of him.

23-09-04, 02:11 PM
Oi mate i will contact him for you if you want,

And pan is a mate off mine i would appreciate if you wouldnt come here and say stuff without his side off the story :evil:

It's been made clear 'Pan' is a decent guy but must be having some difficulties, the guy who's buying the stuff is OK with it now he knows he's not a scamster, chill out.

23-09-04, 02:22 PM
indeed chill out

it was a "how do i get hold of?" post as opposed to

"paid for this stuff but the guy refused to post" etc

get YOUR side of the story celar before trying to mouth off about people you think are mouthing off.

btw im feeling nice, strike one :)

23-09-04, 03:32 PM
well ive made pan aware off this post anyway,so he should be in contact pretty soon :)

and alright barn its phyllis off sw-cc :P

23-09-04, 04:24 PM
Its gone off today...very very very very very sorry about the enormous delay

23-09-04, 10:23 PM
cheers matey, im very sorry if this post has caused some embarrasment, it was not inteneded at all, just wanted to know if anything was wrong etc, just left in the dark thats all, anybody who has dealt with me or met me knows im a very fair guy :wink:

cheers matey