View Full Version : have you sceen the price of petrol

25-10-01, 11:26 AM
at a garage near me it is 65.9 a litre :D
thats 14 p less than about a month ago

that means a full tank of petrol is about five pounds cheaper :O

x-b :)p ***********The Novaload Member Formally known As Nova91*********** :)p x-b

25-10-01, 11:35 AM
i did notice the prices have gone down, i wonder how long for?

25-10-01, 11:55 AM
Doh!!! and I dont have a car at the moment!!! :(

Garages sticking to their promises???? not likely!!! :(

25-10-01, 12:40 PM
still not 49p like it was when i started driving

16v Nova - Toolkit, Trouble, Points and great expence all come as standard :)

e reg shell almost gone!!

25-10-01, 12:47 PM
eeeeee, the good ol' days eh! like when buses were 12p and you could still get 1/2p sweets!! :)

Garages sticking to their promises???? not likely!!! :(

25-10-01, 01:12 PM
its 72p cheapest near to my house, the rest are still 78p or sumthin!!!!!1 cheeky bas**rds, should give it to car enthusiasts for free anyway!

25-10-01, 02:13 PM
The petrol is still 79p where I am!!! that's so crap!!!

Garages sticking to their promises???? not likely!!! :(

25-10-01, 02:22 PM
78.9 in east anglia
70.9 in swansea

Dave Pearce, hmm he mixes like a man with no hands

25-10-01, 02:41 PM
Try www.petrolbusters.com

All petrol is in the high 70's in my area.

25-10-01, 04:06 PM
69.9p at uni and at home, all the safeways are 69.9p at the mo as far as i can see

wot about the TD nova owners? wots ur prices like

25-10-01, 04:20 PM
You might wanna double check that quote cambridge, I live in East Anglia and it's 72p at my local BP garage.

25-10-01, 06:51 PM
locally my petrols 69.9 or is it 69.5?-it seems to go down 1p a week :o

I want some 15"s!

25-10-01, 07:19 PM
mines 70.9 or 79.9 hmm london

I want my car back :-(

25-10-01, 07:38 PM
3 farthings and a bale of hay when I started :D
Fecking over 80 p last week for Shell Optimax. Still every 80 p was worth it!

25-10-01, 09:10 PM
diesel is 36P a litre round here :D

then again it does have a funny colour

how about 200 litres ov white diesel for ?60?? (proper white dieslel none ov this dodgy kerosene stuff) i think thats about 30p a litre

aperntly sumbodys fleecing the local council and thats what i can buy it for (still havent managed to actually buy any yet though, its sold as soon as he gets it X-( )

Micky@novaload.net :)

25-10-01, 09:13 PM
dunno how much it was per litre when i filled up this mornin but the tank cost me 26 quid instead of 32 like normal from same garage...
and it was below the red on the gauge so it not coz there was already some there... :D
saved me a fiver - nice one... maccy d's after work then :D

26-10-01, 01:41 AM
maccy d's?...noooooo, you don't wanna do that...get down to the "hut" ;) (guess where I'm working part time at the mo :p)

Well, petrol round here (north end of Sheff), is about 70p a litre, and last time I filled up, which was on 12/10/01 (yep I know....over two weeks ago!), it was 73.9p/litre. I need to fill up tomorrow, so I'll see what the price is like now. (That's from JET btw)

26-10-01, 10:44 AM
CP, is Shell Optimax really worth it? Can you notice a difference?

26-10-01, 11:23 AM
Jim, have you not seen the advert!!! did you not see how fast and responsive it made that fish!!!!!!! lmao!!

Garages sticking to their promises???? not likely!!! :(