View Full Version : Steering Column Removal

19-09-04, 07:25 PM
How difficult is it? Step by step info would be good...

I need to take one off, and haven't got access to a haynes :roll:

Any help appreciated. Thanks peeps.

19-09-04, 07:31 PM
you need to undo the two 13mm nuts on the sort of knuckle which joins the coloum an rack then knock it down out the way. There is a 13mm joining the coloum to a bracket bout half way down take that out. Then there are one more(or two depending if the coloum has been taken out before an broken :lol: ) under the top bracket thing, then it should slide out or just come out. Plus if you have a dash in then you will need to taken cetain bits out/off to get at it.
Hmmm i think that might help, after reading back through it dont make much sense :lol:

19-09-04, 08:24 PM
Makes a bit of sense, it'll make more sense when i am actually looking at it i'm sure. Thanks phil.

The old tatty 1.2 is getting scrapped in the next couple of weeks, and a few choice bits and pieces are being removed before hand "just in case" anything happens to the GSi again - since the steering column has been damaged twice now :roll:

20-09-04, 01:25 AM
one of the bolts on the top bracket is rounded off for some reason!! to undo this just use a chisle (not sure on spelling) and smack it lol, you'll see what i mean when you come to it.

i need to get a digi cam then i could take pics for you :(

21-09-04, 08:14 AM
I replaced mine on my gsi about a month ago. The top one on the left is a shear bolt and can be abit of a ba**ard if you dont want to damage your dash and car generally because you have to bash the sh*t out of it!

Enjoy :D

21-09-04, 08:42 AM
i introduced mine to an angle grinder lol

mandy getting his hand dirty??!?!?! wtf has the world come to

21-09-04, 06:36 PM
I wont be getting my hands dirty, I shall be wearing my fur trimmed marigolds :lol:

21-09-04, 11:23 PM
mr a grinder always helps on this one bolt.

do note that the bottom bolt, is a pinch bolt that is threaded all the way through. you have to take the bolt completely out or the coloum will not come out.

22-09-04, 11:53 AM
Also when u put the column bak in u mite find its rather to far out n u cant get the nut on the wheel on the spline or its so close that the ignition barrel dissapears into the dash and u wont be able to put the wiper stalk up or down properly or get the key in!!reason!!!there is a hidden nut underneath the carpet which took about a week to work out why it wouldnt line up,fu*k about wid that and adjust it if u have the problem above!!