View Full Version : Programmable Management

16-09-04, 10:56 PM
me and brucey are currently rebuilding his GTE and in the process we're planning on rebuilding the engine with cam, headwork etc and are seriously considering some form of programmable management

what i wanna know is what do i need to do to the standard inlet system to run it on MBE or similar. Obviously the AFM goes in the bin along with most of the old sensors, i guess we need a proper throttle pot

will the standard throttle body work fine for idle control etc or will we need to replace it with another one (i know nova neil with the 1.6 turbo used a VW or audi throttle body on his, but unsure if that was just to increase the butterfly area)

also when we took the head off today we noticed that on cylinders 1 and 2 there was a slight blue hue to the piston crown, and that the inlet valves on those 2 cylinders were very white compared to the other 2, anyone got any ideas on this?? possible lean running? or maybe det?



16-09-04, 11:09 PM
as kev says. and heres a pic of the head as we seen it today. and i think it was pinking only a little on hard throttle, but only once or twice before we took it of the road.


any thoughts on this are welcome


17-09-04, 07:59 AM
resize it for a start lol

just throttle body, colven throttle pot, air temp sensor, coolant temp sensor, crank sensor and maybe wideband lambda for mapping.

away you go

oh and a coilpack from a ford.

17-09-04, 09:09 AM
I think you'll find that MBE can't run the ICV on the engine, I know it can't on the 2L engines. You'd need the TPS recommend for use with MBE then as above, you can also use the coil pack from the X20XEV engines aswell.
It's worth looking at the other managements systems too DTA is very popular aswell as MBE but emerald is worth a look if you are close enough as they have capped rate mapping and are very helpful technically as they are the ones that make it not just distrubite it. Good luck with it all.

17-09-04, 11:01 AM
yer kev was looking at emerald too as they supply the engine loom with their kits as well

what kinda car are we looking for to get the throttle body from??


as for the idle control surely the new throttle body will do the idle control anyway?

17-09-04, 01:48 PM
If you adjust the rest point of the throttle and its mapped properly you won't need an idle valve.