View Full Version : WORST WEEKEND EVER!!!

13-09-04, 12:25 PM
worst weekend ever!!!!
FRI melted my sub
SAT morn ripped off splitter n fucked bumper on shit spped hump!!!!
SAT EVENIN manage to sent one my pistons in to full opn meltdown on my xe!!!takin 6 months to build from rollin shell!!!on rd for a month now bak off for a rebuild!!!!
SAT EVE CONT,thought to myself why the fuck does my car sound like a scooby???so went to open the bonnet n snapped the release so had to rip grill off n fuck that 2!!!!!
WORST FUCKIN WEEKEND EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!EVER

13-09-04, 12:41 PM
were we playing our music too loud to melt the sub?

were we speeding over a speed hump hence ripping the splitter off?

were we ragging the engine to melt apiston? (also had you run it in?)

if these things were your own fault then you cant really whinge about it

13-09-04, 12:50 PM
were we playing our music too loud to melt the sub?

were we speeding over a speed hump hence ripping the splitter off?

were we ragging the engine to melt apiston? (also had you run it in?)

well the sub fair enough i was playin it flat out wid some very loud andy c n eksman which is my fault!!!
wernt speedin really but dropped the front an extra 20mm on coil over just b4 went out so should have gone-1mph over it reall my fault
but the engine has takin some stick racin at thurrock on previous week but the whole day wernt raggin it or nothin drove into the garage put a score in it drove out n down the rd then all of a sudden started to sound like a boxter engine so no reason for the piston jus to give up!!!!

13-09-04, 02:15 PM
You did put petrol in and not diesel I assume?

13-09-04, 03:09 PM
100% sure unless there runnin diesel through a unleaded pump which wouldnt suprise me at that garage as they used my card num b4 to whack ?50 on someone phone

13-09-04, 04:32 PM
I think its far better to put rant mode on here and just type about bad things than it is to shout to someone or start hitting whatever has been going wrong with the lrgest crackbar to hand.

and camb you should be a detective.