View Full Version : Dellorto or weber?

13-09-04, 10:52 AM
Hi, i've asked about this briefly before but recently been looking into it more and i'm thinking that the dellorto dhla 40's are better than weber dcoe 40's. Just wondering what you lot think?
The dhla's are a newer design and said to be an improvement on the dcoe's (as they were designed in the 60's), they're said to be more tuneable and have a wider range of choke and jet sizes.
So i'm thinking about getting the dellorto's rather than the weber's.
Any comments or thoughts appreciated.

13-09-04, 10:55 AM
webbers seem to be more popular due to there being more webber tuners about, despite the dhla's being very similar in principle. The dhla's are more tuneable therefore some tuners dont understand them fully.

your call on it really

dhla's seem to be a bit cheaper as most folk want webbers

13-09-04, 11:06 AM
So you think i might have a bitch of a time finding someone that knows much about them? I've heard that the webers have a tendancy to come out of tune when they get v.hot aswell? So its advisable to have them tuned roughly every 3 months? Do you know if the dellorto's are better at staying in tune?
The other thing is, i was going to go to 'stealth motorsport' in weston-super-mare to have mine rolling roaded but i'm not sure they've got a load of knowledge about carbs (they mainly do re-mapping), so would that be a problem even if i had the right chokes etc?

13-09-04, 11:23 AM
as for the webbers "coming out of tune" dans dont really come out of tune and ive never heard of them coming out of tune as they have no need to if they are setup right first time.

for carbs but not nessecraly an accurate RR some pople use spam spee or motorsport i cant remember lol

13-09-04, 11:31 AM
as for the webbers "coming out of tune" dans dont really come out of tune and ive never heard of them coming out of tune as they have no need to if they are setup right first time.

Well thats good to hear, i'm still un-decided really. I've p.m'd a guy from the 1.3sr feature section with dellortos to see what he thinks. The webers are a popular choice on here, but maybe i'll be abit different :!:

I suppose it'll be harder to pick up replacement stuff for the dellortos :idea:

13-09-04, 02:48 PM
Ive got delortos..there not running yet but thats due to something else. My dad found a there site and any part you would need they have its been a god send. They are really helpful and have any part you need

13-09-04, 03:09 PM
Nice one, what is the website?

13-09-04, 03:11 PM
dont know ill find out when i get home

13-09-04, 03:24 PM
i've got weber's so weber's are better, lol

13-09-04, 03:40 PM
i've got weber's so weber's are better, lol

That is, by far, the BEST arguement i have ever heard! :lol:

13-09-04, 04:56 PM
Terry best bet is to do some local research, i would call the three main tuners in britol and ask them what they charge to work on both sets and what they prefer to use.

Interpro (dont go there but ask for prices for both)
Spamspeed, might be worth a shout.
The guy on Bris hill dont know the company name.

13-09-04, 07:22 PM
Yeah i'll phone about, i have heard some stories about interpro but i'll give them a call anyway. Still not sure which i'll go for, i expect spamspeed and interpro will probably have more experience of webers but i'll see.
Cheers guys

15-09-04, 12:14 PM
www.eurocarb.co.uk is the dellorto main dealer.

15-09-04, 12:17 PM
It comes up with some homo domain page thing?!

15-09-04, 05:10 PM
dell'orto no-longer make dhla's so you must be buying used, in which case make sure you get dhla's not dhla/h's the h's came off alfa romeo's and are not as tuneable(aparrently) they will neverhave as good progression on a small engine this is also why dellorto's appear cheaper. mine are h's and they seem ok to me, but i have only had bad carb's so the current one's seem quite good but could actualy be shit for all i know. if i were to do it again i would buy new weber'sthen you know your carb's are good.

if you go for dell'orto's speak to skoob, he had his set-up somewhere in bristol

15-09-04, 06:56 PM
I have Dellortos and they return 35 mpg with ease, and thats with a CR 'box which wastes a fair amount of fuel above 60 mph. I've never experienced Webers but according to the official blurb on Sports they do 18-20 mpg.

As for them going out of tune. Twin carbs do go out of balance occasionally (at least mine do). After travelling to and from USC and three sprints, my carbs were well out of balance and making the engine shake. A bit of thread-lock seems to keep them balanced for a bit longer.

15-09-04, 09:11 PM
Carbs should not go out of balance easily if set up properly, i.e throttle cables are set right and everything is setup properly on a r/r.

Mine is driven properly most days as it is an everyday car, it got raped to an extreme around anglesey for a whole day, has seen 3 visits to pod, about 10 trips to cp's along Nice fast B roads etc which is 240 miles each trip (pod is same distance also) and never turn down a challenge which is a few times a week.

All that has been done in the last 12 months, and my carbs were set up LAST aug. To run a 14.5 at pod just 2 weeks ago or so proves that they are still within the realms of decent tune. I also get 30 mpg + depending on how i drive.

15-09-04, 10:25 PM
dan's engine has also been removed and re-fitted and they are still in tune

15-09-04, 11:00 PM
i'vr got Dellorto N's.

Dellorto 40 F, G, H, L and N are emmision type models of the DHLA 40.

The Universal proper performance DHLA 40 has no letter's after its number and can be recognised by its 3 progression holes rather than 5 like mine.

You can't change the air bleed on emmision type carb's. They are drilled out at 2mm at the factory rather than being able to interchange between sizes.

Thats why on smaller capacity engines you need a much larger Idle jet (mine is 57) cause the mixture will be too weak.

On a universal DHLA where you can change air bleed's you would use about a 40-45 idle jet and a leaner air bleed.