View Full Version : Life is Pants!!!!

14-10-01, 01:52 AM
Just thought I would advise everybody......just in case they were unaware of this situation.

I am terribly pissed, but where will it all end?

What is the answer to life? any ideas Novaload boys and girls!!!!

The answer certanly isnt a night out in Margate!!!!

Replies Please!!!!!!!!!!!

14-10-01, 03:14 PM
Well pikachu mate - on Friday afternoon my sister disapeared... she was supposed to go to a party and never got there...
I managed to find out her boyfriend lived a coupl eof miles away but not exactly where or what his last name was. I did find out his two mates last names though. So, while my mother arsed around phoning the police etc etc on saturday morning i simply did electoral roll searches for these two blokes and went knocking on their doors...
No-one home - SHIT!!! And i was doing so well.
Got back to mums and police man was there - 5 minutes later a phonecall from long lost (ignored) aunt revealed sister was on way to her house and she stopped at the boyfriends last night. THe boyfriend is apparently 19 and my sister was only 16 last sunday...
I spoke to my sister yesterday afternoon and she wont tell me the boyfriends name and where he lives... Gunna kill him if i find him. Dont mind her seeing a 19 year old, not at all... But at 19 he should have the sense to make her phone home. IDIOT!!!

Right - thats me done - why you so down mate?

oh btw - my stepdaddy has written of his car so i said if he wants to borrow the sr he can as long as he does the work to get it running... hahahhaa.... he agreed....
he says he will tax it and if he is still using it when mot runs out he will sort that too....
hahahahhahahha - woohoo!!!!

14-10-01, 08:40 PM
Life isnt always pants. just sometimes.
is for me at the mo.

14-10-01, 10:11 PM
I was down due to stupid lil twats spoiling my night out! He headbutted my mate, and we all got thrown out of the club!!!

I am better now - I purchased Grand Turismo 3 this morning!!!

Make sure you lash that twat when you see him Wisewood.

When we going out on the piss anyway???

I will bring the valver!!!!

14-10-01, 11:23 PM
Life is very shite 4 me at da mo, i smashed a mirror and lost ?2000!


14-10-01, 11:30 PM
?2000 - Damm. Thats 1 Big Mirror!!!

15-10-01, 06:29 AM
how do you "lose" ?2000????

15-10-01, 09:23 PM
I seem to be taking 1 ste forwards,nine steps back lately,n Im having a head fuck over whether to stick with novas,or get a corsa eventually or wot,I want some 15s on my nova,but I want rid of it as soon as I can,cos I want a breeze blue 1.4 SR mk2,with clear clusters,euro plates,and some subtle mods,or a corsa sport,or veccy saloon,or bogo scooby 1.8?

I want some 15"s!

16-10-01, 08:40 PM
BTW,I also am having a head fuck in every aspect poss,not just cars

I want some 15"s!