View Full Version : is it a bird, is it a plane, no its a .............

15-10-01, 04:40 PM

i was running the bird home last night and on the way back i saw the most amazing site ive seen in a long time. :O It was a flying SAXO rapped around a tree and wedged between that and a bush Most funny. The joke is that it was about 6ft in the air!!! :D it was so unbelievible i went back round and round and round for anothher look from what i can work out he must have drove about about 50 Meters incuding a 145 degree corner ended up on the other side of the road in a tree amasing site i wish i had a camera i did feel for him though but obviosly drivin too fast

15-10-01, 04:53 PM
I didn't think Saxo's went fast enough to do that !!!

15-10-01, 05:11 PM
Maybe he had fitted hydraulics :) got excited and pressed the button and backflipped it, haha

15-10-01, 05:12 PM
Tell me about it :O i cant get the image out of my head i wish i had a Camera

15-10-01, 05:24 PM
probably spun it and hit summit which propelled it into the air...

or he fitted a Maxy Poo sticker and the fooker went like it had a trillion brake NOS jet in under the bonnet...

probably the latter... ol :p

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16-10-01, 10:45 AM
To add to that i was asking around yesterday and i found out it was a friend of mines car and he had only had it a little while :O ow well ive still i can now reclaim the title of newest car for our age LOL :D