View Full Version : What 2.0 16v Possibly Turbo

06-09-04, 10:11 AM
What 2.0 16v possibly turbo can fit my saloon, (I know it doesnt make much difference). I migh be able to get my hands on 2.5 V6 calibra engine!
So can someone pls tell me what engines will fit my car please?


Also what bits I can use from Calibra 2.5 V6

06-09-04, 01:35 PM
use the 2.0 16v turbo out the cav, or calibra. I wouldnt go for a V6 as they are quite a heavy engine an wont be no where near as quick as the turbo

06-09-04, 02:19 PM
What milage engine shall I get? What sort of things shall I be looking for when getting one!
When You do engine conv I guess you have to replace the transmission and gear box etc. Is that right?

Will F
06-09-04, 02:30 PM
Try to get an engine with zero miles on it.
Failing that, get one with low as poss.

I would need to see it in the car running, before I agree to part with any cash.
You should use the F28 and convert it to 2 wheel drive.

06-09-04, 02:52 PM
What was that with the cash? :o

What about the driveshaft and CV joints etc, do they need to be replaced?

06-09-04, 03:04 PM
by the way c20let isnt a cheap engine to get hold of or the box

06-09-04, 03:19 PM
im doing exactly the same.

I've been told that a C20LET engine is great, but a C20xe engine can be modified to get better performance, i don't know if this is true but if anyone knows, it would be great.

I recently went to a rallycross at lydden hill and the nova's there, i was told had C20xe engines in them, and they were pretty quick!

Im still looking for a cav/ calibra engine tho at the mo!

What you think? C20LET or C20xe??

Will F
06-09-04, 03:57 PM
*Can of worms opened*
All down to preference. Give me a C20XE on TBs anyday. But thats just me.
LET = ?700-1000
F28 = ?200 - 300
Conv to 2wd = ?200

06-09-04, 04:45 PM
what turbo engine shall you get?

try to find one before you start getting fussy!!

06-09-04, 05:28 PM
So can someone pls tell me what engines will fit my car please?

any engine can be made to fit your car within reason. Take the back seats out and stick it in the back.

Everyone knows you can put 2litre engines in nova's with relative ease.

Perhaps the question u should have asked is Whats the best engine to put in my car. Give us a little detail of what u want from the car and what it will be used for to help us.

08-09-04, 10:00 PM
i would like to know this aswell, i dont know anything about engines at all and am going to convert it to 2l16v and have no idea what the differences are in the c20let and c20xe???was it??? no idea what so ever, it would be used for just driving around. and show use but want it fast!!

09-09-04, 01:39 AM
there a knob up our way wid a 2litre 16 v m reg cav was mint hes just bouht it 50 quid and is ragging it every were wid no lience nob eh i neally got engine 2 :evil:

10-09-04, 10:17 AM
In english: some chav has got the deal of the century for someone who would actually care about the bits.

solution: buy a car for as little as possible and run into him making it his fault, then to cover him for not being legal offer to take the car from him and keep quiet, that way you get the whole car!