View Full Version : chatroom complaint.

09-10-01, 08:20 PM
can i ask that something is done about the situation in the chatroom.

i know theres certain measures needed to keep 'unwanteds' out of the room.

however after chatting for a while, an admin entered the room, ordered everyone to identify, then blocked me from commenting.

as i understand it, this is a public site, and as i understand it, according to international internet law, there is a freedom of speach act, in place over the entire world wide web, so aslong is im not racist or offending anyone, i should not be excluded from conversation, weather im a regular or not.

plz make steps to rectify this.

many thanks.

:D there never gonna fit :D

09-10-01, 09:17 PM
uh oh...
this could cause problems.
i'll just stand by and watch as the insults start flying back and forth shall i.

09-10-01, 10:51 PM
wisewood!!!!!! ello:):)

09-10-01, 11:10 PM
hahahahaah you stupid fool!

one word - netsplit!

There are too many people quick to whinge and cry on here, lancy go sit in a corner with dave hay and davo u stupid tit.
and stop trying to cause trouble.

you were told to identify any registered nicks or u would be kicked by chanserv.

common sense after a netsplit, and the post was to help people out so they dont get disconnected.

good day.
ps read the logs, i think you'll find you quit and were not kicked. and if you had been kicked what good would it do you posting it in here?

[20:12] *** services.zirc.org changes topic to '0,12 2,0 0,12 2,0 Davo and Dave-hay are my real parents, they are the biggest couple of fucking (deep breath and think how gay they are here) wankers that take it up the shitter | pugtek is shit (and empty) so visit www.novaload.net instead 0,12  0,12 (IF U DONT LIKE IT THEN DONT COME IN! (Micky)'
[20:12] <Ian> all identify or be kicked
[20:13] <NoFrills> lol
[20:13] <Ian> if u have registered nicks
[20:13] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Ian
[20:13] <PhilAstraSport> done it
[20:13] <NoFrills> lets see who forgets
[20:13] <NoFrills> dicko is a gonner then
[20:13] <Ian> lol
[20:13] <Ian> he off at work again?
[20:13] <PhilAstraSport> lol
[20:13] <NoFrills> dunno he aint been here all night
[20:13] <Ian> leaves on permanently
[20:14] <NoFrills> did anyone here look at his pics of that night out?
[20:14] <NoFrills> apart from me and phil
[20:14] <NoFrills> lol
[20:15] <PhilAstraSport> oh those
[20:15] <PhilAstraSport> lmfao
[20:15] <PhilAstraSport> he looked a mess!
[20:15] <breeny_brb> me off out cya
[20:15] <NoFrills> he was well pissed off that we looked at his pics
[20:15] *** breeny_brb is now known as breeny
[20:15] <lancy> lo
[20:15] <lancy> lo
[20:15] <NoFrills> laters breeny mate
[20:16] *** breeny is now known as breeny_away
[20:16] <lancy> lo
[20:16] *** lancy (lancy@ZiRC-39459.btinternet.com) Quit (Quit: )

09-10-01, 11:16 PM
Lancy is roybacer chat not good enough for you anymore with the other novaload rejects? LOL Rick

16", 17" or 18" wheels that is the question!

09-10-01, 11:21 PM
i think that ian is a prick for what he does. my opinion, im allowed it. Dont want to be banned but somebody needs to say it.

You know what they about people with big hands :-/ Big Gloves ;)

10-10-01, 03:12 AM
HHmmm, where the hell did u get the freedom of speech sh1t from? Wot a load a crap. At least make it sound right!
1). Public site - I dont think so. Being on novaload chat is a priveledge not a given right.
2).World Wide web - since when has the world wide web been involved with internet chat relay servers. Or is that just 1 of the words uv learnt along with surfing/chat/online/download etc....
3)International Internet laws - Hmm, interesting but did u just put international to make it sound better. Would be a bit difficult to reduce the internet to a single country or location. Wouldnt be much of an internet then i suppose.


10-10-01, 12:46 PM
rich, a better chat thingie is coming soon...lol

the old one is PANTS with a capital P!

thats why i'm not gonna cry about u dissin it...lol

everyone chill!

lancy is sorted, if he wants to post on here sayin how he feels, he shouldn't be set on like a fox at a fox hunt! correct him if he's wrong, but dont fcukin rip him apart...FFS

Nova Community
Visit: www.RoyBacer.co.uk
Email: Ged@RoyBacer.co.uk

10-10-01, 01:00 PM
is that what roybacer is then for all the novaload rejects

10-10-01, 02:03 PM
there's only a couple of people who go on RB that are from novaload!

we have a few 'big boys' on RB as well...Greame De Suy visits (the pink nova that is about 1" off the floor)...Nigel Beechey (yellow valver on twin 45s, picture of his car with twin headlights was on dec's home page a couple of weeks ago), a tuned 1.6 (i think it's got a similar spec to MC's, not sure though)

i can't understand why people look down on it. because novaload was around first, it doesn't make it everyone's preferred site...

there shouldn't be all this 'competition' and 'rivalry' (spelling) anyway, we all here because of nova's, the way everyone goes on about it, it's like i run a saxo site or summit...

Nova Community
Visit: www.RoyBacer.co.uk
Email: Ged@RoyBacer.co.uk

10-10-01, 02:24 PM
nothing wrong with roybacer apart from full of muppets but not your fault.(but why advertise constantly)

and as for lancy, so quick to moan and complain, there is too many idiots willing to start mouthing off about chat if theres something they dont like. if lancy had a problem he should be emailing one of the ops not trying to score points by putting on a general forum.

also he did talk absolute boll###s.

ps ged why are you never in chat?

10-10-01, 02:49 PM
i advertise for a couple of reasons...

1. people use more than one forum, (like me, u, ste etc use mig) so another nova site might interest them.

2. Novatrader isn't live at the minute so people can advertise stuff for sale on RB (i know they can on here, but the problem with here is that if sum 1 stubbles across novaload whilst surfing the web, they can't view any of the forums, RB can be viewed whether your a member or not)

3. i've put too much time into it to keep it quiet...lol

if it needs to be removed from my footer, let me know.

about the chat room thingie...i only go online from 9-5.30 at work, i dont let computers enter my life outside of work...i dont like them. i'm in this for the cash, not for job satisfaction. i sum times (haven't in ages) pop int the chat room through the link at the top of the page, i haven't even started to lookin into all this 'mirc' thingie stuff...i dont know how it works and i'm not really bothered about finding out.

i used to look at the chatrrom in the day but hardly anyone was on there, so i stopped checking and forgot about it to be honest.


Nova Community
Visit: www.RoyBacer.co.uk
Email: Ged@RoyBacer.co.uk

10-10-01, 03:05 PM
chats alway busy in evenings even upto 4am :O

10-10-01, 03:09 PM
*cough* geeks *cough*


Nova Community
Visit: www.RoyBacer.co.uk
Email: Ged@RoyBacer.co.uk

10-10-01, 03:15 PM

10-10-01, 10:00 PM
not geeks

the pervs come out after 10pm ;)

Micky@novaload.net :)

10-10-01, 11:47 PM
ok, bout time i got round to posting again here, sorry but ive been at work,


the post above, by myself, was not aimed at any one admin, nor was it aimed at being a critisism of novaload.

theres nothing personal in it at all, it just that i was blocked from posting, for no reason that was clearly defined to me.

i still dont understand now, why i was unable to post, after sayin


then left because i was unable to post.

IAN- I did not mention being kicked at all, infact i will openly admit to leaving of my own accord, as i could not speak.

im not trying to cause trouble, just bringing your attention to what i feel is a problem.

DICKO-novaload chat room, is a public internet area, accessible through chat programmes. people on there do not have to be members of novaload.

IAN- im not trying to score points of any variety, i am unable to mail from outlook at the moment without disconnecting, i couldnt care about scoring points, as you put it. what points do i have to score??

FAO ALL- i am, unlike some people, not an internet expert, i dont not understand the complexities of chat hosts and servers.

however i do understand that i have a rite to be told why i am unable to speak,

and i dont believe...and i quote...


clearly explains anything to me.

:D there never gonna fit :D

10-10-01, 11:51 PM
p.s sorry for wasting space,

but i made no reference to roybacer.co.uk in my post, this conversation if about novaload chat.

plz refrain from using my post as a slagging match plz people, when i have a genuine point to make.

sorry but that applies to all those in favour or against my post, i.e davo, ick, rick draper, samzy, wisewood etc


:D there never gonna fit :D

11-10-01, 12:18 AM
well read the logs above u were able to speak if you were banned it would show u being banned and also it would not show the lo 's u posted, maybe people just didnt want to say hello or were not paying attention.

11-10-01, 05:53 PM
"FAO ALL- i am, unlike some people, not an internet expert, i dont not understand the complexities of chat hosts and servers"


Micky@novaload.net :)

11-10-01, 11:24 PM

which is why my site doesnt have a chat room.


:D there never gonna fit :D

12-10-01, 09:56 AM

Nova Community
Visit: www.RoyBacer.co.uk
Email: Ged@RoyBacer.co.uk

12-10-01, 08:03 PM
a webmaster that isnt an "internet expert"???


Micky@novaload.net :)

13-10-01, 10:43 AM
i know loads of webmasters that arnt internet experts, its only a website, not rocket science.


:D there never gonna fit :D

13-10-01, 04:10 PM
it dont matter lancy nobodywill read it now its just about off the bottom ov the page lol

Micky@novaload.net :)