View Full Version : Weber 28/30 from escort 1.4

04-09-04, 10:04 PM
What do we reckon the maximum power we can get outta one of these? Have one lying about but doubt it would really be worth it performance wise to put it on a 1.4SR with Kent AST11 cam.

Escort 1.4 - 72BHP, Nova 1.4 72BHP....

Any opinions?


04-09-04, 10:39 PM
the power figures from the car it came from aren't really relevant.

It could work very well, and you may be able to get good gains from it if set up right.

sure its not a 28/32?

05-09-04, 10:47 AM
Definitely a 28/30 Autochoke from an Escort 1.4LX.

05-09-04, 01:36 PM
the carb u want is an early xr2 or xr3 one

05-09-04, 09:34 PM
the carb u want is an early xr2 or xr3 one

are you saying that just because it has bigger chokes? ie 32/34

if so then you may as well say the carb you want is a 50dcoe.

06-09-04, 02:33 AM
no im sayin that as that is the best standard carb ford used