View Full Version : What should i do?

08-09-00, 07:12 PM
Right heres the thing. i have a nova, its ok, but i want to mod it. Is it better for me to buy a corsa and mod that? i can afford one. the nova i have got is an 86 nova but i could end up with a 95 corsa?

what should i do?

cheers Davo

09-09-00, 04:32 PM
id have thoguht from the name of this site that the answers to this question would be obvious dave me ole mucker.. stick with the best mate...

10-09-00, 12:44 AM
splash ya cash on your nova

10-09-00, 01:11 AM
do i really av to tell u?

11-09-00, 02:19 PM
keep the nova