View Full Version : my messages

01-09-04, 08:08 PM
should my messages be deleted just cos i struggle to use punctuation and make spellin mistakes or shorten my words as its easier to type them

fair enough if it was all shit but i do post useful information which could help some1 out and by you deletin my posts is surely defeating the whole point of this site which i thought was a place of like minded ppl to talk about and ask questions about our cars.

01-09-04, 08:17 PM
Only posts made outside of the technical, styling or ICE forums have been removed. Anything offering genuine advice etc has been left, for the very reason that NL is about helping each other.

You may 'struggle' with punctuation, but that is no excuse not to try. none of your posts ever even have a full stop at the end.

We have discussed this before. You decided to leave. 2 weeks later you have returned and you seem to think that you are no longer expect to make any effort to make your posts readable.

You've always said if people don't like the way you type your posts they don't have to read them. They're not reading them. Where's the problem.

Go and look through the tech forum and you'll see all your posts are there. Unless another member of the admin team has deemed them unsuitable - in which case they probably wont be.

01-09-04, 08:19 PM
it should b there choice if they want to read my posts or not it isnt hard to just skip past em

01-09-04, 08:23 PM
and u have deleted posts from these sed forums which u say u dont wheres the post i made about the 6x9's ????

01-09-04, 08:25 PM
Unless another member of the admin team has deemed them unsuitable - in which case they probably wont be.

There you go. Like i said.

01-09-04, 08:26 PM
I voted yes, but it is on the condition that all "txt spk" posts are deleted, not just yours.

If you feel that your answers are full of useful information and it is something that could be of benefit to others, take that extra bit of time and write out the whole thing properly, so people wont just skim over it. I know I can never be bothered to read replies where the words make no sense unless you get out a Chav Phrasebook to work out what the words mean!

01-09-04, 08:26 PM
why is my opinion not suitable

01-09-04, 08:28 PM
its not txt spk that is wen u start puttin h8 and m8 and that bollocks i useually just miss a letter out here and there like i have with wen here u can still make perfect sence of that

01-09-04, 08:31 PM
I voted yes, but it is on the condition that all "txt spk" posts are deleted, not just yours.

All the worst ones that I come across are removed. Although obviously i cannot find ALL of the offending posts.

Burgo, i warned you via PM about being abusive.

01-09-04, 08:31 PM
well, you obviously learned how to spell "wen", so why not take some time and learn how to spell "when". oh wait, no dont bother, it took me about 0.00001 seconds to add that "h", I've wasted so much time of my life!!! :lol:

When you use "u" instead of "you", you are pretty much contradicting yourself about it not being "txt spk"


01-09-04, 08:32 PM
where have i bin abusive and why wasnt my opinion suitable

01-09-04, 08:43 PM
another member of the admin team has deemed them unsuitable

How many more times would you like me to say it. I HAVE NOT removed posts you have made from technical, styling or ICE. Unless at some point you have posted something in the wrong forum, in which case it would be in the forum it was supposed to be in.

i dont giv a f**k wot u think and i wouldnt sed anything if u hadnt started deletin my posts i could ignore the little coments but uve gone power crazy

i've gone power crazy. I find that quite abusive, and insulting.

01-09-04, 08:51 PM
i know this is muppet corner, but this takes the pIss.

can you lot stop the bickering, cause i bet it aint only me that's bothered by reading it all the time :roll:

01-09-04, 08:54 PM
as i sed mel if he hadnt started deleting my posts i wouldnt of sed anything

01-09-04, 08:56 PM
The discussion was started in PM's by me. It's burgo that brought it out here. I would quite happily lock the thread, but then i would be showing how power crazy i was... and then he'd only start another thread and then i'd be power crazy again when i deleted it.

01-09-04, 08:58 PM
i had to bring it out here cos u locked me pm's fool

01-09-04, 09:02 PM
No. Your PM's were locked yesterday. When I sent you the PM tonight I removed the block from you - otherwise we couldn't have had this discussion could we? :roll:

what's all this I hear about you crying about 'wisewood and cambridge' in a PM then?
i wasnt cryin im just f*cked off with my posts gettin deleted
Your posts were deleted according to the new policy that i detailed a while back, which led to you 'leaving' in the first place.
In future, if you are f*cked off with something, and you believe it is something to do with me, I suggest you direct your complaint at me, instead of someone else. If you can't manage to do that, i would suggest that you walk before you are pushed, so to speak.
None of the admin team appreciate being undermined by members of the site. I would suggest that you attempt to remember this in future.

lol oh so sorry sir my arse who u think u are threatenin me just cos u have a ban button im sure if i started a poll as to wether ppl on this site want my posts deleted cos there is spellin mistakes it would go in my favour now u stop cryin and f*ck off

**Note the lack of punctuation in his PM's... and the use of TXT MSG type wording... exactly the reasons i have been removing his posts.**

It's not a question of what the other members would vote for or against in a poll. The fact of the matter is that I, a member of the administration team for novaload.net stated quite clearly what would happen to posts that were difficult to read for reasons of text message style language and lack of punctuation etc.

You got offended by this, spat your dummy and left the site. Now you have returned and think that you are allowed to just avoid the rule previously set out. This is not the case.

If you can't stick to the rules, you wont be here for long. ESPECIALLY if you keep insulting me... and discussing matters relating to myself or any other member of admin with others without coming to us first.

01-09-04, 09:04 PM
thank u wisey u say

**Note the lack of punctuation in his PM's... and the use of TXT MSG type wording... exactly the reasons i have been removing his posts.**

surely this proves i do actually make an effort on the forums

01-09-04, 09:08 PM
how does that prove anything like you say? :?

There is no full stop on the end of your post there... the most simple bit of punctuation to get right. Just put one dot at the end of everything you've said.

01-09-04, 09:10 PM
But then again, does it really make any difference? You dont read the full stop, so whats the point?

01-09-04, 09:13 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll: Same could be said for the rest of your posts. If you expect people to skim over them without reading - why bother?

It's coming up to the end of my shift now... so if you could try and make a reasonable point quite quickly i would appreciate it. I just hate it when i have to wait all night to find out if someone has anything interesting to say.

01-09-04, 09:15 PM
I just hate it when i have to wait all night to find out if someone has anything interesting to say.

I'll help out there, on the BBC news website at the moment, there is an article about the Genesis probe returning to earth with tiny little bits of the sun, that's pretty interesting!!! :lol:


01-09-04, 09:16 PM
See if only burgo had told me that, his day wouldn't have been wasted talking rubbish :D

01-09-04, 09:16 PM
but not everybody does skim ova them so therefore there is a point in them at the end of the day wisey u have obviously taken a dislikin to me and are tryin to wind me up but i ent gonna loose sleep ova it ill just keep postin and not give a fuck what u say

01-09-04, 09:18 PM
ok did u kno a pigs cock is curly like its tail actually u probably already kno that as well as average size of a ducks cock is 9 inchs bet uve had fun with them

01-09-04, 09:19 PM
You obviously do care what I say, because you keep arguing with me about it. AND you have to do it on the forums rather than via PM because you want to try and get the sympathy vote.

"Help me everyone, the big bad Administrator is being mean to me!"

Cobblers. You have had the same treatment as everyone else who has posted things which go against the rules we announced a few weeks ago... as i said before... Several times.

Your arguement is getting a bit thin now burgo.

01-09-04, 09:20 PM
ok did u kno a pigs c**k is curly like its tail actually u probably already kno that as well as average size of a ducks c**k is 9 inchs bet uve had fun with them

From Burgo's big book of Beastiality. :lol:

01-09-04, 09:21 PM
must be the illustrated edition.

01-09-04, 09:21 PM
thats the one jk and wisey the only thing i care about is my posts bein deleted

01-09-04, 09:23 PM
and if u think im scared of u cos ya admin think again

01-09-04, 09:28 PM
I will say this again, one more time... for those who were obviously chatting amongst themselves last time.

From now on I will be deleting posts which are too difficult to read. Those who type in this way often defend themselves by saying that "if you dont like how i type dont read it" ... and this is exactly what i am going to do... i am going to not read it, and instead remove it from novaload completely so nobody else has to bother not reading it either.


You see. Plenty of people read it - and agreed with it. That was the post that had you decide you were going to leave... and yet here you are. Arguing about it.

01-09-04, 09:31 PM
im bored of u now

01-09-04, 09:34 PM
Thought you might be since i just made a point with which you couldn't really argue, as it totally undermines everything you have said so far.

01-09-04, 09:41 PM
nooooooooo!!!!! keep this going, I still have another 10 hours of work left!!! :( :lol:

01-09-04, 09:43 PM
I've only got about 20 minutes left :(

Tell you what ... i'll PM you my mobile number and you can talk me through what happens with any updates to it :lol: Then you can relay my comments for me :D

01-09-04, 10:34 PM
not at all i just really am bored of u talkin bollocks hence why i went else where for a while

01-09-04, 11:42 PM
There is obviously only one of TWO ways to settle this:

1. - get your mums tights and some Peter Pan belts on, and swashbuckle yourself silly.


2. - play a death round of worm-man. Worm-man - a game played by me and my dearest friends, aged 15. All participants gather in a bedroom, with an orange sleeping bag. One LUCKY participant is chosen to be 'worm-man', and pulls the orange sleeping bag (MUST be orange!!) over his head, so only his feet protrude. Then, another participant, engages worm-man in a battle of doom. ALL of the spectators ARE allowed to join in, without worm-man knowing who it is. Once worm-man has had his head bashed against the radiator a few times, battle may pause for a recess.

01-09-04, 11:43 PM
Anyway, i am off to find myself a well-hung duck. Quack quack.

01-09-04, 11:50 PM
ha ha im up for worm man marty ya a diamond

02-09-04, 08:26 AM
:lol: :lol: Sheer class. Luke mate chill out

02-09-04, 09:15 AM
i think your posts should be deleted if they continue to be either incomprehensive or insulting...

it is not difficult to take the time to add letters to the words you type. it does not take a great deal of effort and it means that people won't get p*ssed off reading your posts.

i am fully behind wisewood and his argument and i feel that he is completely within his rights to delete said messages.

that is all... :wink:

02-09-04, 09:19 AM
at the end of the day, there is no need for you to insulte Ww the way that you did.

maybe we should go onto some sort of baseball system, 3 stikes and you out! because all the way through all of his arguements hes still using 'u' 'm8' ect ect and its unaceptable!!!

p.s if i was incharge and he had insulted me the way he did you id of banned his IP stright away

02-09-04, 12:02 PM
wisewood! have your not got anythin else to do? all u do is mone at people. i thought people come on here to injoy NL, not to read C*ap like this. :lol:

02-09-04, 12:15 PM
wisewood! have your not got anythin else to do? all u do is mone at people. i thought people come on here to injoy NL, not to read C*ap like this. :lol:

NB - wisewood didn't start this.

it started as pm's... burgo brought it to the forums

02-09-04, 12:29 PM
i kinda of operate a 3 strike system, but sometimes that drops to one lol

kids behave and play nice

rach is a nice level ehaded lady who will be my future ex wife hee hee

02-09-04, 12:32 PM

love you too babe


02-09-04, 12:50 PM
Like I said in another post to whitty 1300sr

"When I start reading your posts (or any other wkd txt tpn ppl) I normally can't be bothered to read it all, and therefore don't bother replying to a query.

We all get lazy sometimes, if its late or you've had one to many grolsch cans after dinner, but half the stuff dats shortnd 2mek it e z er 2type n dat is just annoying.

I like novaload because of the lack of burberry. It?s on the increase by the looks of things. And when people start posting pictures to give abuse over something it makes them sound even less evolved."

HOWEVER if someone has a problem with grammar and punctuation (not you burgo, your clearly not trying) then I think it is highly unfair to penalise them.

I had mild dysgraphia in school. It?s a writing neatness/speed problem resulting in my GCSE exams being taken on a PC where possible. (Before anyone takes the piss calling me thick, I am in the top 1% in the country IQ wise, and have the paper to prove it). I went to a boarding school for 2 years that had an excellent dyslexia/learning difficulty unit - so much so some parents sent their dyslexic children there based on the two teachers? reputations.

I did my English lessons with the dyslexic class as it had PCs in the classroom. A friend (who also had dysgraphia coupled with a very high IQ, and about 10 A*s at the end of it lol) and I sat there for 2 years watching other friends struggle with their spelling, grammar and punctuation. To think that someone in the same position may be stopped from gaining advice from, and contributing to this forum is a great shame in my eyes.

02-09-04, 04:23 PM
As far as I am concerned this matter is closed. Burgo has his PM system enabled - like it was ALL DAY yesterday for us to discuss the matter, but as stated in one of his PM's (quoted previously) he decided to start a poll about it.

I have sent Burgo another PM informing him of where things stand, and HE IS able to reply to it, so no excuses for posting more abuse and arguements on the forums.

The rules about typing messages onto the forums without taking any time to make sure they are readable still stand. Any posts which we (the admin team) decide are unsuitable will be deleted. If unsuitable posts persist disciplinary action will be started (ie warnings later leading to bans).

Novaload used to be a very nice community full of polite and respectful people who wanted to help each other towards a common goal. At the moment this seems not to be the case, which is why we are taking steps in the way we are, to try and get novaload back to the happy, fun place it used to be.