View Full Version : A Very Serious Matter !!!

30-08-04, 09:44 PM
Why is it that Banks get a Monday off several times per year, and the rest of the businesses in the country decide to take this on board too?

About 75% of the country get the day off work just because the banks decided years ago that on a specific monday during the year they want the day off.

It's bloody ridiculous. Anyone who can share the ACTUAL reasons for this would be held aloft above my head and worshipped by me, and possibly many naked ladies for at least a couple of seconds.

By actual reasons i mean the genuine reasons, not some reasons which are being made up on the spot at the time of typing (or just prior to typing)... that goes for you too Marty :D

Obvioulsy SOME businesses need to close on the bank holiday because they can't go to the bank to deposit their takings for the day - but some very large businesses simply DO NOT need to close for the day... it gets on my nerves (and yes that is because i have to work them).

31-08-04, 12:00 AM
I think its along the lines that you said about the banks not being open so certain places have to cease trading for that day, as for the other ones, im sure somewhere along the line someone somewhere thought that its just 'not fair' that banks get a holliday for one day and others dont.

I am also a person in the public sector which has to work, due to the line of work im in benifitting in the fact of office people having a day off, so we remain open and benifit from the closure.

31-08-04, 12:02 AM
mmmmmmmmm day off. cheers banks

31-08-04, 12:05 AM
I used to work for a company that only ceased trading on christmas day. GAY.

Anyway not sure on the actual question :lol:

31-08-04, 12:26 AM
It's because once upon a time, a long time ago, someone stole some holes from come cheese. All the banks shut out of respect, so people could go look for the missing hole sin their cheese.

And, infact, the holes in your cheese are actually someone elses cheese!!

NO that's all just made up.

It's because of Dick Turpin. He had something to do with it.

31-08-04, 08:08 AM
I actually asked yesturday what the reason for this bank holiday was and i got told its a day off isnt it so i left it at that.

31-08-04, 10:03 AM
I dont get bank holidays off. I was working from 7am to 7pm yesterday!!! but on the upside I do get a sh1tload more cash for that day, so it doesn't really matter! :D

31-08-04, 11:38 AM
i stole your modays off and i used them all for my friday off to make it a 4 day weekend shamone :p

31-08-04, 12:18 PM
holey cheese is just a scam looks like your buying a big wedge of it but the bloody thing is hollow :x

31-08-04, 12:29 PM
holey cheese is just a scam looks like your buying a big wedge of it but the bloody thing is hollow :x

Execpt you pay by weight :roll:

31-08-04, 01:07 PM
i stole your modays off and i used them all for my friday off to make it a 4 day weekend shamone :p

then I stole the rest of your holidays and used them to have 4 days off each week anyway!!! :lol: 8)

aaaah the easy life of working in IT! lmao :)

31-08-04, 05:16 PM
I'm in the fucking wrong IT job then!

Hilton, one day I will steal your job.

31-08-04, 06:23 PM
I will steal your heart, and won't give it back. lol

31-08-04, 06:24 PM
Anyway, here's your cheese holes (http://www.fact-index.com/b/ba/bank_holiday.html) Wisey.

31-08-04, 06:32 PM
Thankyou Martin :D

31-08-04, 06:35 PM
Does it apply to a Sperm Bank? Or can i still visit on such Mondays?

31-08-04, 06:41 PM
I think you can use a special service - whereby they leave vacuum sealable cups outside, which you scribble your bank details onto and then fill it with your man-muck and stick it through the letter-box.

I think they provide a curtain for you to pull around yourself so you aren't exposed to the street... and there is some sort of pronography visible through the window.

31-08-04, 06:45 PM
Ok, but i don't want to make another deposit.

I have opened a Savers Account with high interest and have been making regular contributions. I think i have now amassed a personal fortune and would like to withdraw my deposits and start splashing my wealth about like it's going out of fashion.

31-08-04, 06:47 PM
You're in luck... take a bucket and your membership card with you and you can withdraw from the tap on the wall!